The Un-Calfee - Picture

Hi All

If I understand Dennis correctly, that would mean any 2500 that makes it to Australia (or anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere) will not be affected by the RB issue. :confused:

The harmonic issue Dennis brings up can probably be solved by mounting the scope with a single ring directly ahead of the locking lugs. But this only applies to two-lug bolts. The three lug bolt would eliminate this harmonic imbalance perfectly:rolleyes:

Bob, as always, I appreciate it when you post up about how PRX worked on your rifles. I am glad it worked well for you

Have a great day

Here's how The Un-Calfee was tuned. Gordon slapped a Harrell's tuner on it. I shot it for the first time, it grouped well on the sighter so I shot the target. The result, 250-15X. After shooting groups with it during a couple other shooting sessions, I noticed just a little vertical to it. I moved it out 1/2 turn. Shot my second target 250-17X. I left it. Haven't touched it since. We call that, "the dumb luck method." The magic # is 292.

Hi Bill

I would be interested in running the numbers to see where your tune compares to PRX. Care to share the barrel length?

Your Friend

Sure. Here's what I got. Barrel length 23 15/16" (23.937) naked. Diameter .875" no taper. Length with Harrells in place @ 292 - 26 19/32 (26.593")

Let me know how close.
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I believe I have spotted two problems with your gun that is keeping it from achieving world supremacy. First and foremost the bolt is on the wrong side. Due to the earths rotation the northern hemisphere requires a left bolt for optimum balance. I'm still patiently waiting for that by the way, hint hint. Then there is the rear bag. A little know fact is that by having the sloping end facing to the rear a recoil induced vortex is created that causes intermittent fluctuations in the harmonic vibration and that's why the PRX is off.


In addition to the bolt being on the wrong side and the earths rotation you need a barrel with a left twist to the rifling to counteract the rotation of the earth (coriolis effect)! Lol!

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels