The Un-Calfee - Picture

Bill B

New member
Soon to become THE most famous rife in RFBR history. I humbly present to you "The Un-Calfee"

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Bill: You win. None of us can out do that rig. I like the graphics and the right loading port puts it over the top. I don't remember your neck being that long.....perhaps you should re name it the "turkey nekker" for the ultra high scope mounting.

I do suggest you move that chair before you load and shoot it fire guys call that a point blank target. bob
Bob, Glad you like the graphics. I put hours of work into it's design and execution. Good observation skills. Did you notice the silver dome located on the barrel and just kissing the scope? That houses the super-secret radar guidance system. That's why I need the tall rings. This will change RFBR forever!!!
Bill: You got me there too. I thought it was an anti squirrel device to keep the rascals away while you were at the bench. Super Secret? Guess we won' find out how it works till NSA leaks it. Oh well. bob

ps: I also noted you still have the as issued bolt knob. I'm told by reliable sources that changing that knob out for a custom job will get you a couple extra x's. I screwed up and put lock tite on mine so can't test the theory. Get Gordon to get his breaker bar out and change that knob.....then maybe you will start winning.
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Big Knob

Gordon and I have had a discussion about that big knob. He has changed his out to the smaller knob, which does look better, but I have placed an anti-vibration device inside the big knob. It helps with the balance too. Since it's a right port, it has less metal on that side. The big knob with the anti-vibration device inserted makes up for that loss of mass on the right side and balances it out. This is why I think the right port is the way to go. With a left port, there is no knob on that side to make up for the loss of mass and puts the rifle out-of-balance. The easy loading Stiller makes using the RP feasible. Now you know all the secrets of The Un-Calfee. All except for how the radar guidance system works.
I was not planning on revealing this secret but since you let the cat out of the bag.

With a left port 2500x you hollow out that big knob a bit....the exact amount is a trade secret....which puts the rifle back in balance and then the PRx works as long as you can measure to a 16th. With a stock knob the PRx was not a precise tuning was off by ten clicks. bob
Hey wait!

Wait a dog-gone minute there Finger. We could not have come up with the same idea at the same time. Who leaked my design to you? I've was working on that idea for the last 90 minutes. I was just about to apply for a patent on it. You SOB!!!
Bill: You bragging that you will win everything, sell the rifle and buy a condo on the beach just went too far.

After all my taxes help pay for flood insurance you are gonna buy on that Condo and then collect when the big one comes in off the Atlantic.

My design is just to insure you don't win everything and pull off the condo buy. I'm saving my self from higher taxes so I have some cash for more and better bullets in 2016. You may have to have Gordon explain some of this to you, he understands. 90 minutes you say? I did the work on my bolt handle last month. Cancel the patent app.

I'm trying to level the field a wee bit. I gotta do something as I can't use BBQ sauce as bolt lube. I like my brisket nekked. bob
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Dont make fun of that knob. All good guns need a big knob to get the job done. I even go so far as to put them extra long oring looking ones on mine. I made up a 100 or so special.
The Un-Calfee

He never saw it coming------"All he did was ask her to Polish his"---funeral services will be announced at a later date!
The way this is going I'm happy I chose my words carefully. Had I said "I like your knob" instead would have ruined how this thread has wandered. bob
I was not planning on revealing this secret but since you let the cat out of the bag.

With a left port 2500x you hollow out that big knob a bit....the exact amount is a trade secret....which puts the rifle back in balance and then the PRx works as long as you can measure to a 16th. With a stock knob the PRx was not a precise tuning was off by ten clicks. bob

Oh great. Now I have to figure BKE (Big Knob Effect) into the PRX calculations. Thanks Bob
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I believe I have spotted two problems with your gun that is keeping it from achieving world supremacy. First and foremost the bolt is on the wrong side. Due to the earths rotation the northern hemisphere requires a left bolt for optimum balance. I'm still patiently waiting for that by the way, hint hint. Then there is the rear bag. A little know fact is that by having the sloping end facing to the rear a recoil induced vortex is created that causes intermittent fluctuations in the harmonic vibration and that's why the PRX is off.

Dennis: Your analysis seems to be flawed. Bill B never ever said the PRx did not work on his rifle. It was my comment regarding bolt knob weight causing the PRx to be off by ten clicks. I don't think Bill knows how to measure to a 16th anyway. If Gordon set it up with the PRx formula I don't doubt it is in tune. We do like your thinking tho....keep the analysis coming.

Tony: Getting to within ten clicks ain't bad for a formula that many think is voodoo or worse. I'm always happy when your PRx predicts to within ten clicks.

Tuning the Un-Calfee

Here's how The Un-Calfee was tuned. Gordon slapped a Harrell's tuner on it. I shot it for the first time, it grouped well on the sighter so I shot the target. The result, 250-15X. After shooting groups with it during a couple other shooting sessions, I noticed just a little vertical to it. I moved it out 1/2 turn. Shot my second target 250-17X. I left it. Haven't touched it since. We call that, "the dumb luck method." The magic # is 292.
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