The Saga Continues:

the Electrician called yesterday and said he had found the problem and fixed it. he said the Motor rebuilder had wired the motor wrong internally so that only set of windings was working. He re-wird it and has it working ( HE SEZ).

DYUDE!!! He WAS only pulling 30hz! (it was a joke...)



Changing the motor (pulley) speed will not change to metric. You will need to change the head gears for metric threads

I do not think you will be needing a two step pulley on the motor. My South Bend has more speed variations than needed. Mostly I just run it slow. My speed.

Get it running and have fun.
Life is good again:

After session 2 of a root canal I went to my shop and tried the lathe; by gorry she works as advertised! Was finally able to get her speed up to where I could polish (should be two ells in that word if there ain't) something in her ifn I wanted to. The one hoss motah is a good addition, I must admit; gave her the Gonads she was-a-lackin. So, next I am gonna take the saddle off the ways and clean that up. I have a new set of wipers and some good ways oil to use. I have been Ebaying for two weeks and have everything but a new Tool Post: where was the big sale on them? and have found some high sylphur lard oil; I'm all set !
Al isn't too far off of reality though folks on 30 hertz. That isn't the problem with this motor though. How many of you so-called machinists/electricians (same oxymoron as electrician/ electric motor expert) have ever heard of a VFD? That is a Variable Frequency Drive in plain English. There are single phase input (none that I know of in 115V though) VFD drives for a narrow range of motors that can run them at say 20 hertz to say 80 hertz. Just thought you would like to know. Look up SubDrive on Franklin Electric's website. I think it is The whole world could change soon with a few great intuitive electrical engineers!
