The Rattlesnake at Raton


Tried e-mailing you but won't go through. Will there be more than one relay?

They don't usually pre-register so they won't know until the sign up on Friday. But then I really don't know anything anyhow.

I used the one listed under the mid-con schedule on the NBRSA web site. The one you just gave is different than that one. It was a address.


I looked on the NBRSA web page under contact info for the mid-con region.
What is listed is so this information must be wrong.

I should have just looked at the match report you sent out from the best of the west, just wasn't thinking.

Anyway, looking foward to the R'snake!!

I usually unload on Wednesday and it's open and people are there. So, maybe even Monday or Tuesday.

I recall the days the NRAWC used to be more accommodating to Benchrest shooters and we could be more laissez-faire about rolling in. I came down there early once (because I had done so all the time) and a DOE SWAT team had a Tactical Trailer set up in the parking lot and was using the range.

And given the NRAWC's stance towards BR shooters now, I will never leave to go down there without checking and expecting to endure some new twist on the way things used to be. :(

safe travels.... Scott
I recall the days the NRAWC used to be more accommodating to Benchrest shooters and we could be more laissez-faire about rolling in. I came down there early once (because I had done so all the time) and a DOE SWAT team had a Tactical Trailer set up in the parking lot and was using the range.

And given the NRAWC's stance towards BR shooters now, I will never leave to go down there without checking and expecting to endure some new twist on the way things used to be. :(

safe travels.... Scott

The current management are not all that favorable to benchrest shooters. We lost two matches this year due to the Coors building being used for wedding purposes. I was up there earlier this year and made my dissatisfaction known, but if fell on deaf ears. I started going there in 1982 and fondly remember days when I pretty much had the whole facility to myself. Now, too many locked gates.

Just looked at the NRAWC on-line schedule and didn't see anything conflicting so far. There is a group from Kansas State Univ WOEM that is there from the 14th to the 19th but no indication of what facilities they might be using.

I seem to recall that DOE SWAT trailer you mentioned
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I think the future of benchrest is promising at the NRAWC.WC has a new match director.With the threat of us pulling out, I think they realized they had issues to take care of.
At the May match the new match director introduced himself to Ed and Butch and had some very constructive conversations. Wayne, the head of WC was out four times to the range making sure everything is going smoothly.
Time will tell, but I think we will be treated much better in the future.Todd
plan B

I think the future of benchrest is promising at the NRAWC.WC has a new match director.With the threat of us pulling out, I think they realized they had issues to take care of.
At the May match the new match director introduced himself to Ed and Butch and had some very constructive conversations. Wayne, the head of WC was out four times to the range making sure everything is going smoothly.
Time will tell, but I think we will be treated much better in the future.Todd

Good to hear, thanks Todd. And kudos to all you ALB folks for keeping this thing going, in whatever shape it takes. I know that's not easy, especially when you live down the road a ways. Looking forward to seeing you down there. Hey, let's all bring a couple of Glocks and holsters, if the DOE shows up again we'll just train with them that weekend.