The Purdy Prescription

Pete: If you will look at RA, BRC and WWA you will find that a great many folks have been working with the Purdy Rx for the past two months. Many have reported success using the tool. bob
My agg is climbing, slowly. Scores have improved 200pts, almost like 'magic bullets'.
So, what's your take Bob?

Pete: If you will look at RA, BRC and WWA you will find that a great many folks have been working with the Purdy Rx for the past two months. Many have reported success using the tool. bob

I do read the other sites and didn't remember seeing any discussion over here. I did my new rifle and was within thousandts of what the formula said. I think probably right on if the sloppy measurements were tightened up. It was somewhat gratifying to know I had tuned my rifle correctly, I must say and should be able to save a couple boxes of ammo in the future. Twill be interesting to try it on the next barrel I install.

Thinking about this a bit, I wonder if a simple telescoping tube could replace the tuner? It appears to me that "Tune" is dependent on the length 0f the extension vs the amount of weight.

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Thinking about this a bit, I wonder if a simple telescoping tube could replace the tuner? It appears to me that "Tune" is dependent on the length 0f the extension vs the amount of weight.

Hi Pete,

I spoke to Tony to see if he felt his method was suitable for air rifles as well (I'll put it up in the air rifle section later). He reckons so and has given me a new formula to work to and as you say it appears an extension tube is all that is required.

I've machine one up this afternoon from brass and will give it a try over the weekend:


Pete: My take is the internet is a tool. The PRx is a tool. I don't need practice typing nor doing a copy and paste. It is much faster to do a search function. I suggest you try it. bob
Plain English

Finally a method I can under stand. Worked on three of my rifles so far. It was a threat to BC so it was thrown off of the WWA network.
I guess you missed my point of this post.

Pete: My take is the internet is a tool. The PRx is a tool. I don't need practice typing nor doing a copy and paste. It is much faster to do a search function. I suggest you try it. bob

I looked down through the first page and did not see a thread here about this topic so I put up this thread. I don't see the harm , frankly. I'll bet a lot of people would like to talk about this over here. Some folks never visit the other sites. I wasn't looking for information but simply trying to create conversation about the Prescription here. I won't try to engage you in any more conversations.
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Finally a method I can under stand. Worked on three of my rifles so far. It was a threat to BC so it was thrown off of the WWA network.

I agree fully Fred, Finally something that isn't a deep dark secret, only known by few.
Hi Pete,

I spoke to Tony to see if he felt his method was suitable for air rifles as well (I'll put it up in the air rifle section later). He reckons so and has given me a new formula to work to and as you say it appears an extension tube is all that is required.

I've machine one up this afternoon from brass and will give it a try over the weekend:



I too have had conversation with Tony about Air Rifles. Twill be interesting to see where this goes. When I first began fooling with Air Rifles I tried an Air Stripper that had a movable vented tube in it. The only benefit I could see from it was as a tuner and it was very delicate as to where tune was. I went in another direction but am not sure I was playing with the right cards at the muzzle.
Pete: Perhaps you would have preferred I gave you a one word answer, yes, to your OP? A great many of us visit and discuss things elsewhere. I tried to give you a heads up as you appeared uninformed of those discussions. Sorry I replied at all.

You say you only wanted to talk about it here. Why did you not say so in the OP? We are not mind readers. bob
Pete: Perhaps you would have preferred I gave you a one word answer, yes, to your OP? A great many of us visit and discuss things elsewhere. I tried to give you a heads up as you appeared uninformed of those discussions. Sorry I replied at all.

You say you only wanted to talk about it here. Why did you not say so in the OP? We are not mind readers. bob

Pete did ask you. So, what's your take Bob? It couldn't be much clearer than that.
As a new shooter looking for all the info possible to push myself along it's nice to hear from the veterans & get their thoughts. Its tough if everybody holds back or figures someone else will explain it.
Your well respected here Bob. I would have liked to have heard your thoughts.
Pete, you are correct. Not everyone does go to the other sites. I only recently started going to RA as discussion here has been a bit thin.
Hi All

No one is more surprised than me on how far this little idea of mine has spread.

I welcome all questions, just ask that you be a bit patient. I am one guy who as of right now is up to his eyebrows trying my darndest to keep up.

I once said that if this helps just one shooter, I will have been a success. To have the reception that this has had is truly humbling.

I prefer to share my idea via email. But will answer all questions in open forum that I can.

This is now on several boards, and I truly have limited time to spend between work and this project

Thank You All

Tony Purdy
Thank You Tony

Hi All

No one is more surprised than me on how far this little idea of mine has spread.

I welcome all questions, just ask that you be a bit patient. I am one guy who as of right now is up to his eyebrows trying my darndest to keep up.

I once said that if this helps just one shooter, I will have been a success. To have the reception that this has had is truly humbling.

I prefer to share my idea via email. But will answer all questions in open forum that I can.

This is now on several boards, and I truly have limited time to spend between work and this project

Thank You All

Tony Purdy

For posting and for bringing a lot of folks into the light. In my opinion, you have saved a lot of people a lot of grief and ammo :).
Thanks Tony

Thanks for sharing your idea over here. I think it's great that you're willing to spend the time to do this for everyone. I'm sure it's time consuming!
Could you post the info that you need for your formula over here?
Again Thanks!
I am going to make an unpopular statement.

Tony has been inundated by his findings and subsequent sharing of data with anyone who asks. I give the guy all the credit in the world for what he is doing and he may well be changing the way we tune our bench rest rifles forever.

Because he has been so busy with all this, overwhelmed and inundated are not words I use lightly, why don't we give him a break and attempt to confine our questions and discoveries to the thread on RA? Tony is going to go crazy answering similar questions and trying to keep track of things if he has to do it on 3 or 4 different threads on as many discussion forums.

I have and will continue to keep my technical issue posts on the PRx to RA. You can get there by following this link: bob

Hi All

To a point Bob is correct when he says I am a bit busy. But this is also very important to me, and feel everyone might benefit from this.

If you have question, please, by all means post them here, I will try my best to answer them. Just be a bit patient if it takes me a bit to actually answer.

Thanks for helping make PRX a success

The thread you linked to doesn't show much except a number of testimonials (which are fine) and refinements on the basic formula, whatever that is. All welcome, but what's the original prescription?

Google search for "Purdy prescription" shows the site you've linked to, and the two on BR Central.

Post 11 on the RA site did have a formula, but it wasn't well formed for in-line math. e.g.

(BL/8 x 9) - 0.45" = PL
PL - BL = Tuner Length

is not well formed. Is it suppose to be

[(BL/8) x 9] - 0.45 = PL.
PL - BL = Tuner Length


[BL / (8x9)] -.045 = PL
PL - BL = Tuner Length

? I'd assume the first, (since in the 2nd, "(8x9)" could be simply expressed as "72", but we got one guy presenting another's work, so who knows...)

And what the blazes is H/H?

Given the man in inundated, is there somewhere where we can just go & see his prescription without bothering him?
