The NRA: Fake News Vs. Throw the Bums Out.

These type of negative NRA comments have been posted on this and other firearms friendly sites several times before. Like others I am not happy with them either. As I understand, Oliver North tried to stop the wasteful money spending but the directors sided with LaPierre and they dumped North- big mistake. The NRA is far from perfect but are clearly the most powerful pro-gun lobby, the other pro-gun lobbies out there are small time players. If you truly want to keep your 2nd Amendment rights you best not only be a member of the NRA you should be donating BIG bucks, because the anti-gun folks are sure donating a bunch hoping to take yours rights away.

A benefactor member
These type of negative NRA comments have been posted on this and other firearms friendly sites several times before. Like others I am not happy with them either. As I understand, Oliver North tried to stop the wasteful money spending but the directors sided with LaPierre and they dumped North- big mistake. The NRA is far from perfect but are clearly the most powerful pro-gun lobby, the other pro-gun lobbies out there are small time players. If you truly want to keep your 2nd Amendment rights you best not only be a member of the NRA you should be donating BIG bucks, because the anti-gun folks are sure donating a bunch hoping to take yours rights away.

A benefactor member

Got a scripted call from NRA today. I told the gal I would donate when Wayne Lapierre was gone. She was at least polite & didn't hang up like the last one. To just give the BUMS more money, until changes, is small minded, or worse. I have to belong due to my Gun club requirements. So many Members bought the KOOLAID years ago we are stuck !!!
The NRA is far from perfect but are clearly the most powerful pro-gun lobby, the other pro-gun lobbies out there are small time players. If you truly want to keep your 2nd Amendment rights you best not only be a member of the NRA you should be donating BIG bucks, because the anti-gun folks are sure donating a bunch hoping to take yours rights away.

Spot on.

I wonder how many members that detest the NRA have ever talked to their regional NRA representative(s) and voiced their concerns? The anti 2nd Amendment crew has done a good job of turning NRA members against the very organization that protects their Constitutional right.

Talk about eating your young......:rolleyes: -Al
Spot on.

I wonder how many members that detest the NRA have ever talked to their regional NRA representative(s) and voiced their concerns? The anti 2nd Amendment crew has done a good job of turning NRA members against the very organization that protects their Constitutional right.

Talk about eating your young......:rolleyes: -Al

Also I'm wondering how many of the freeloaders have actually called or written their Congressmen about gun issues. Maybe 10-15% ?

These type of negative NRA comments have been posted on this and other firearms friendly sites several times before. Like others I am not happy with them either. As I understand, Oliver North tried to stop the wasteful money spending but the directors sided with LaPierre and they dumped North- big mistake. The NRA is far from perfect but are clearly the most powerful pro-gun lobby, the other pro-gun lobbies out there are small time players. If you truly want to keep your 2nd Amendment rights you best not only be a member of the NRA you should be donating BIG bucks, because the anti-gun folks are sure donating a bunch hoping to take yours rights away.

A benefactor member

+1 Once your gun rights are gone they won’t be coming back.If the NRA needs fixing I agree with Al the membership needs to get involved. Don’t junk your only car just because it needs a new set of tires. Benefactor member and will continue to support.
Middle TN Sporting Assn requires membership in the NRA to be a club member. Recently a prospective member told us he was not willing to become an NRA member. The board of directors discussed it briefly and concluded that we did not feel he would be a good fit for the club. As long as I am club president, this requirement will stay in place.

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They aint perfect but their the best we got. Just like somebody said the democrats love to see gun owners run down the NRA. We had a pro gun president for four years I dont know what we got now. It may get worse before it gets better. Doug
The Democrats would Love to see them no longer to exist so if you are not an NRA Member who are you actually supporting. Might be something you might want to ask yourself even though you might like the NRA's leadership. My yearly dues cost less than a handful of packs of cigarettes here in mine own state of Ca. Or abit over or under a 1000 Primers when NRA offers a reduced membership price of which they always do when mine is about to expire.
Spot on.

I wonder how many members that detest the NRA have ever talked to their regional NRA representative(s) and voiced their concerns? The anti 2nd Amendment crew has done a good job of turning NRA members against the very organization that protects their Constitutional right.

Talk about eating your young......:rolleyes: -Al
The Democrats would Love to see them no longer to exist so if you are not an NRA Member who are you actually supporting. Might be something you might want to ask yourself even though you might like the NRA's leadership. My yearly dues cost less than a handful of packs of cigarettes here in mine own state of Ca. Or abit over or under a 1000 Primers when NRA offers a reduced membership price of which they always do when mine is about to expire.

I don’t think the Democrats had anything to do with LaPierre becoming the polarizing figure he is today. If leadership there was shaken up I believe there would be a great resurgence in NRA membership. He would be gone at any other business. He has been there during the downfall of the NRA and that says something to me.
La Pierre

We used to live in the boondocks when I worked in the woods. When friends came to see us we would put them up for a couple of days. If you don't see them very often the goodbyes when they leave can take awhile. That was the situation when the phone rang and I picked up. The person on the other end was LaPierre. I was already a life member and had no idea what the call was about. I explained to him our situation and could he call me back in 5 minutes. Never heard from him again. Some folks are just too busy.

I liked Oliver North and was surprised to see him go....never knew why.

Being uninvolved is why we now have the leadership in DC who is hell bent on not only destroying our 2nd amendment rights but also our constitution as we know it. If you are not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem.
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Oliver North

was a good example of the old adage that goes, " if you smite the king, you must kill him". He clearly should have lined his ducks up before he threw his punch.

Being uninvolved in the NRA is why we now have the leadership in DC who is hell bent on not only destroying our 2nd amendment rights but also our constitution as we know it. If you are not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem.

Since this thread is about the NRA and my post you referenced about being uninvolved was in response to the NRA's monetary policies, I assume my edit of your post is what you meant. Surely, you don't think that if the NRA had spent more money in on the Jan 5th election in GA that the Senate would not have flipped? What if the NRA had spent more money in CA or NY, do you really think those would be "red" states? No, the problem is the Democrats have a platform that is very appealing to those who want "free this and free that," and that segment of voters is growing and growing, and will continue growing and growing. Also, the rhetoric about common-sense gun laws is very appealing to those who don't realize that gun laws will not stop the killing (just like prohibition didn't work), and that segment of voters is also growing and growing. The real problem is there are too many voters who don't think like I do. :)

As for your catchy little phrase at the end, I did my part on Nov 3rd and Jan 5th.
Amen al

Spot on.

I wonder how many members that detest the NRA have ever talked to their regional NRA representative(s) and voiced their concerns? The anti 2nd Amendment crew has done a good job of turning NRA members against the very organization that protects their Constitutional right.

Talk about eating your young......:rolleyes: -Al

Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Far too many shooters and gun owners vision stops at the end of their noses.
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If those in DC would leave the 2nd amendment alone we would not need the NRA. And yes the NRA does affect those being voted into office in DC by its 5 millon members give or take. Who would vote for a constitutionalist and a textualist minded individual to protect what our forefathers handed down to us.