The new Sporter agenda item

Typically, the way that the NBRSA has checked for flat forends in classes such as hunter classes that require the forend to be convex and not flat was to take a straight edge and lay it on the forend. If it rocked, then it was convex. Conversely, if you laid a straight edge on a forend and it hit on each side and had daylight underneath the straight edge it would be concave. I agree with Don that it wouldn't be legal. But, that's just my opinion.

Whether it makes any difference in how it shoots, I doubt it. But, when you have a rule book, it has to follow the rules to be legal. IMO, there are too many rules that serve no particular purpose. I'm sure they were put in with good reason such as the deflection rule on sandbags, 1/4" deflection with thumb pressure, but would be very hard to enforce. 5 pounds thumb pressure, 10 pounds, 20 pounds. I'm sure that was put in to keep from having a return to battery varmint class rifle. If someone wants to shoot a rock hard sandbag, they will eventually find that it doesn't help their shooting and can cause fliers. Some people seem to have to push the edge of the rules to try to gain a perceived competitive advantage. It's simpler just to stay within the rules and not have to worry about it. I'd rather be an ounce or two under on rifle weight as the 1/4 of an ounce over that is allowed for scale variance. It just makes life simpler. The new sporter class rules will be interesting. I hope they stay in effect longer than the one trial year as that's not long enough to see much changes especially with how hard it is to get rifle components currently.
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