There may have been some wind?
Were located in Iowa.
The Ice just left the rivers/lakes a few weeks ago and the Mississippi is still flooding from the spring snow runoff from further up north.
It was our 1st match of the season.
Low 40's when we started.
Yes some wind but was manageable.
Some of us couldn't find our tune among other things.
The powder measures adjustment knob got hot from all the changes.
The seater die had 10 adjustments for the 10 groups.
We may have not shot very good by some of you southerners standards but we sure had fun.
We wiped the RUST off the guns before starting but we didn't address the RUST in our reloading procedures/mental game.
Bottom line"Were just Rusty".
Were "Down but not out"
Look for our scores next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!