the end of general discussion

Ain't it funny

Ain't it funny how political discussions on a forum founded on anything related to guns or shooting can destroy the entire forum. I don't think I'm alone on this,I believe there must be others who have seen otherwise great gun/shooting based forums just fade away because of the political bull dung. There are any number of forums that cater to this stuff and I suggest that is exactly where it belongs. Just my 2 cents. Don
d ain't the whiner.
The whiners are the ones that want to have their say and when anyone questions what they say or proves them to be totally wrong, start in with the hey, this is a shooting room or we shouldn't discuss politics or religion or whatever or just comes with the raw abuse.
Look at the other threads that have popped up in this forum since the ban on politics. How many of them are political? Most of them right? Oh, some of them were posted "for information only", hee hee hee. But often the same old bunch wanting to have their say but without a rebuttal.
I've been lurking in this room for quite a while. Back before they had all these rooms. And pity the poor hunter or varmint shooter that blundered in and asked about a good hunting load or how to set up a varmint rifle. Then, like now, there were some really great guys that would give out some excellent, useful knowledge and gently tell the person that maybe they might be happier in xxxxx room. But there was always the same half dozen or ten that did their best to scald the hide off the poor bxxxxxd as they shamed him out the door, them being bench rest shooters and all you know. And so, wilbur set up the different rooms so the purist wouldn't be bothered by us great unwashed. And so what happened? You followed us. If we didn't agree with whatever knee-jerk idea you had and questioned it, then we got called names and were told "this is a shooting room. Politics has no place here." it seemed to have a place until your ideas were questioned. And you told us we should go to a political room. As if you owned this room. The real question is, what are you doing over here and opening up this thread if you don't want to discuss politics? The simple truth is, you don't mind discussing politics as long as everyone agrees with you.
But let someone disagree with your position on abortion/religion/politic/ad infinitum and you go whining to wilbur. No, d ain't the whiner.

Amen Bro'

Got it and sent a PM reply (I hope). Let me know if you don't get it.

D ain't the whiner.
I've been lurking in this room for quite a while. Back before they had all these rooms. And pity the poor hunter or varmint shooter that blundered in and asked about a good hunting load or how to set up a varmint rifle. Then, like now, there were some really great guys that would give out some excellent, useful knowledge and gently tell the person that maybe they might be happier in xxxxx room. But there was always the same half dozen or ten that did their best to scald the hide off the poor bxxxxxd as they shamed him out the door, them being bench rest shooters and all you know. And so, Wilbur set up the different rooms so the purist wouldn't be bothered by us great unwashed. And so what happened? You followed us.

The real question is, what are you doing over here and opening up this thread if you don't want to discuss politics

To get here you typed in on your keypad.
You were then greeted by this slogan-The absolute source of accuracy components,services,accessories and information for the precision shooter.
You then clicked on BENCHREST Forums.
Once there YOU chose firearms topics not related to benchrest.
The owner of the website has asked EVERYBODY not to post about politics.
Please take 5 minutes out of your schedule to look up benchrest shooting.You typed it in or clicked it several times to get here but for some reason don't understand what it means.

I too was here before and saw posters placing threads that are inappropriate to BENCHREST central.Wilbur took pity on them and in the spirit of promoting the shooting sports set up the new format we see today.As to your claim we followed you here you must of course be joking right?
The 6ppc board kept getting 35 Whelen questions on the centerfire BENCHREST forum.When asked why they wouldn't post on the factory/hybrid forum they complained they weren't getting high quality answers like they received on the centerfire BENCHREST forum.Wilbur suggested that some of the regulars look in on the various forums and help promote the shooting sports.
You are now complaining we followed you-give me a break!!!!!!
This forum clearly states firearms related topics not related to benchrest.You got your wish and now you want it to change to POLITICS central.Please observe who is supprting this website on the home page.It is supported by firearms manufacturers not political pundents.
If you truly wanted to talk politics which you don't you would simply go to the APPROPRIATE website.You don't do that because that is not what you are after.You are after control plain and simple.When ou get your way the first thing you do is change your mind.You are not whiners but I have too much respect for Wilbur to tell you what you truly are.
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...... I have too much respect for Wilbur to tell you what you truly are.


Thanks for a perfect example of the type of impolite remark that has caused all the problem on this forum! Yet, you blame me and others when all we've done it to politely ask Wilbur to reconsider and allow us to discuss politics, etc. Somehow you think this harms you in some way you never explain except to say that this is a forum for benchrest shooting as if that means discussing anything else is a crime that harms you.

I have not discussed political topics since Wilbur asked us not to do so. I have only made arguments to get him to reconsider changing his mind and merely enforcing civil and polite discussion. Some conservative members have continued to post political comments, but that is Wilbur's call not mine.

You have repeatedly made the point you don't want anyone to have the right to make political statements that are not right wing and in line with your views, but you don't have to insult me and others while doing it! We understand your agenda with out the uncivil comments! So how about being polite?? :rolleyes:
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D for?

wats so hard 2 letter word NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO :confused:NO?
wats so hard 2 letter word NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO :confused:NO?

A lot of people like you speak for Wilbur around here! Read Wilbur's last post! It did not express the NO NO, you'd like it to! When Wilbur tells those who would like to be able to discuss what they care to freely to shut up and let it die, we will do so in respect for his rights! (Of course Wilbur will say it politely!) Until then, I'll take direction on this issue from Wilbur rather than from all those who don't want to hear anything but a far right opinions that still get posted!
Some people just have to keep picking at one another or at an idea for ever...

Can't you all just let it go and talk about something new...?

bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker bicker:rolleyes:
Think very hard before you close down general discussion because this thread could have be on the centerfire benchrest forum. Poor Wilbur would be up all night deleting posts
Mr D

I am almost sure this is the most stupid thing ever. Because the right to argue was taken away by the very person with the authority so do so, we now have a thread that is arguing the right to argue. And its the same people on the same sides. Brilliant!

It seems to me that nearly everyone with an opposing point of view to your own is ok in letting this go but you are not. After the "no more politics" post the remaining General Discussion "regulars" found other things to talk about, and some folks lurked in the shadows, waiting to pounce on a thread that they deemed "POLITICAL" and then cry FOUL. Some of these posts that you and others have declared to be in violation, never mention any politcal party or candidate or issue. If you can go back and find in any post since the warning was given, I will gladly admit I am mistaken.

On the thinnest of ice or by any connection, no matter how week, you want these posts to be political so you can have a cause again. You need that torch to carry an must fight on behalf of the injustice you have endured.

If I want to bad enough, I can make any subject politcal. Baby rattles, kleenex boxes, pop, name it....and I will make it politcal so that whole "WILBER... theyre talking political again but wont let me talk" thing dont fly! The only way for it not to be is simply no conversation at all.

I believe that some revel in conflict and discontent and maybe you fall into this, maybe not, but it is very apparent that you REALLY miss a forum that will allow you to argue.

BTW, why are you the first guy, even on this thread to reach for the BOLD, BLACK type and all the underlining? As an educated man you know about internet protocol and yet you are the only one shouting.

My apologies to anyone I have offended as I was not my intent. Simply my observations over time.


i dont agree with d very often - but i do agree this time - what makes general discussion so popular is the disagreements we have -- remember it is general discussion

-- remember it is general discussion

Please look more closely when you log into the site.It clearly says for all interested enough to read it.
General Discussion-Firearms Topics Not Related To Benchrest.
It does not now nor has it ever said.
General Discussion-Talk About Anything You Want
Please look at the opening page here as I am not making this stuff up.

sorry lyn you can talk about any thing you want as long as it is not politics ---just a few -- book recomendations, over inflated tires, olypics, fuel economy ,fire fox etc, etc
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I say we take a breath and wait...

...Wilbur has already stated on another thread he is kicking the tires & needs some time. Let's let this thread die and see what the boss man comes up with & honor it. Fair enough??

Here is the copy and paste from Wilbur for the 'potential solution & overdue explanation':


It doesn't have anything to do with freedom of speech, censorship, favoritism, my view, your view or any of those perceived reasons. It has everything to do (and little else) with the advertisers that have their name pasted at the top of every page. That's not an alias up there! It's their real name and their real livelihood. They didn't sign up to advertise on a political web site. They signed up to advertise on Benchrest Central - "The Absolute Source of Accuracy Components, Services, Accessories,and Information for the Precision Shooter". Unspoken at the time of agreement, I assumed they entrusted me in a general sense to protect them from averse content. Certainly, opinion varies greatly as to what constitutes averse content and there's the rub.

This is pretty good software and it has features to solve this problem. Give me a week or so....

I wasn't picking on you just pointing out an error in your post.Your not saying I was wrong are you?

It's also not my website and it doesn't pay my bills.

Wilbur has asked very politely for the political to be dropped and I see no reason to disrespect him.You can treat people anyway you wish.
...Wilbur has already stated on another thread he is kicking the tires & needs some time. Let's let this thread die and see what the boss man comes up with & honor it. Fair enough??


Very well said Paul.

This thread has run its course. There are those who would like to have political discussions but are they not respecting Wilbur's wishes? I haven't seen any political threads started and being discussed since Wilbur laid down the law. Since this is the case, I don't know why so many people are in a tissy and keep posting that there shouldn't be political threads when there aren't any.
...Wilbur has already stated on another thread he is kicking the tires & needs some time. Let's let this thread die and see what the boss man comes up with & honor it. Fair enough??

Here is the copy and paste from Wilbur for the 'potential solution & overdue explanation':


It doesn't have anything to do with freedom of speech, censorship, favoritism, my view, your view or any of those perceived reasons. It has everything to do (and little else) with the advertisers that have their name pasted at the top of every page. That's not an alias up there! It's their real name and their real livelihood. They didn't sign up to advertise on a political web site. They signed up to advertise on Benchrest Central - "The Absolute Source of Accuracy Components, Services, Accessories,and Information for the Precision Shooter". Unspoken at the time of agreement, I assumed they entrusted me in a general sense to protect them from averse content. Certainly, opinion varies greatly as to what constitutes averse content and there's the rub.

This is pretty good software and it has features to solve this problem. Give me a week or so....

Wilbur, I appreciate that you are a patient man, I am not tho, its pretty simple to me what you asked of us all, and you asked politely. My dad used to say that no means exactly that! NO. Sometimes that could be the fix in some situations and sometimes not. I like this site that you have and thank you for it. I have gained alot of knowledge from here and appreciate the wisdom and opinions shared when I asked questions. And I like offering my experinces when I feel that I may have something to offer that may help. I come here at least once a day sometimes 5 times a day. Again thank you! Ron Tilley
Very well said Paul.

This thread has run its course. There are those who would like to have political discussions but are they not respecting Wilbur's wishes? I haven't seen any political threads started and being discussed since Wilbur laid down the law. Since this is the case, I don't know why so many people are in a tissy and keep posting that there shouldn't be political threads when there aren't any.


I respectfully disagree because "The Middle Class" thread was a conservatively oriented political thread. I do agree with you that it has all been said by both sides and we should drop these discussions and wait for Wilbur to "tinker with the forum software" and then respect his final decision.

As Wilbur put it, "This is pretty good software and it has features to solve this problem. Give me a week or so...."
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