Technical series?


I would say it was more a case of machining competency. Something any skilled tool maker use to working to fine tolerances could accomplish.

Well I quarantee I've looked at one hell of a lot of .22 chambers and will tell you that any smith building top level BR guns would find that more than a bit humorous. Ask some of the great center fire guys that have yet to build a top level .22.
Well I quarantee I've looked at one hell of a lot of .22 chambers and will tell you that any smith building top level BR guns would find that more than a bit humorous. Ask some of the great center fire guys that have yet to build a top level .22.

There's no accounting for some folks sense of humour. By BR guns are you referring strictly to .22r/f br?

Are you saying the leading c/f BR rifle builders couldn't produce a winning .22r'f br gun if they really wanted too and given access to the right components and the leading shooters?

Personally I find all this belief in the myth of what's required to produce a "killer" .22BR rifle quite amusing. But then I have been brought up around engineers and tool makers who have worked to far tighter tolerances and ultra critical inspections than any rifle builder would be willing to adhere to.
That's exactly what I'm saying. More than one has tried and great machine ability alone don't cut it. Name one great machinist that's built a good.22BR gun right from the get go, I'll settle for one. Tight tolerances are wonderful right up until you get to 10 barrels laying in front of you, you know which one is going to be best? You ain't gonna find it in your engineering book there Hammy.
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But then I have been brought up around engineers and tool makers who have worked to far tighter tolerances and ultra critical inspections than any rifle builder would be willing to adhere to.

you can only get so tight on a piece of steel.
Thanks Bill B,

I appreciate your advice but I don't do my own Gunsmithing because I don't want to take the time out of my life to learn to do it. I have all the machines and tools to do it but it doesn't appeal to me do it. It follows, in my way of thinking that if I can work with somene who has had success at tuning rifles, someone who has access to good lots of ammo and who knows more about muzzle devices than I do, I am willing to pay them to render an opinion as to rather or not my rifles are competative. If the rifles are not, I want to do something about it. I don't want to spend the time to learn all of that nor do I want to spend another year or two in the middle of the pack if the rifles are what is holding me back. I see it as a personal choice, not a shortcut to something. After all of these years I certainly know the final resuts will be rather or not I execute properly when I must. I don't expect to buy that because I know that can't be purchased. Who whould want to? The mechanical stuff however is another matter, IMHO.
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That's exactly what I'm saying. More than one has tried and great machine ability alone don't cut it. Name one great machinist that's built a good.22BR gun right from the get go, I'll settle for one. Tight tolerances are wonderful right up until you get to 10 barrels laying in front of you, you know which one is going to be best? You ain't gonna find it in your engineering book there Hammy.

Once you get down to the real fine, and tight tolerance's and methods of achieving them, it becomes a numbers game. As a certain builder of rifles has discovered yet won't admit too , he simply covers up the fact by calling it "art" or "gut feeling". Build it, put it in, the hands of a high end shooter, who you've proffered the gun to from your selected list of known names in the sport, once you've spent a time on the tuning of course, and sit back and wait.

Build enough of them over a period of 5-6 years all proffered to top end shooters from your list and watch the wheels on the slot machine spin.

Some people never grow out of believing in fairy stories Timbo
Once you get down to the real fine, and tight tolerance's and methods of achieving them, it becomes a numbers game. As a certain builder of rifles has discovered yet won't admit too , he simply covers up the fact by calling it "art" or "gut feeling". Build it, put it in, the hands of a high end shooter, who you've proffered the gun to from your selected list of known names in the sport, once you've spent a time on the tuning of course, and sit back and wait.

Build enough of them over a period of 5-6 years all proffered to top end shooters from your list and watch the wheels on the slot machine spin.

Some people never grow out of believing in fairy stories Timbo

Have you ever been involved in the build of a competitive .22 and/or talked to any top smiths about one? I'm guessing no so exactly what do you add to the conversation other than unsubstantiated opinions?
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Hambone, how is the weather in Borden today?

You may of been better off asking him how the weather is in the UK, I think my old friend Tag could probably have given you a more accurate answer.

Have you ever been involved in the build of a competitive .22 and/or talked to any top smiths about one? I'm guessing no so exactly what do you add to the conversation other than unsubstantiated opinions?

I've never been involved in the build of a .22BR rifle although I've been involved in the build of c/f BR rifles. I've spoken to a number of smiths regarding one though. None of them have ever expressed major concerns about their ability to put one together should the need arise. I've also as I said been brought up and worked with precision engineers and tool makers who's machining skills are second to none. The assembly of any rifle is simply a engineering process is it not? So what and where you guesses lead you to I'm not sure Timbo. Neither do I care.
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I can't decide if Hambone is Bill Calfee or, you Brian. ;)

Ohh, I'm pretty sure I know who he is (not BC), It's that Zeus fella that's got me worried. Bit like Clark Kent and Superman you think?

Ohh, I'm pretty sure I know who he is (not BC), It's that Zeus fella that's got me worried. Bit like Clark Kent and Superman you think?


Cough cough sorry i just woke up to pee and saw this post .....

You could be on Jeopardy......

Now I gotta make a sammmmy ........
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Ohh, I'm pretty sure I know who he is (not BC), It's that Zeus fella that's got me worried. Bit like Clark Kent and Superman you think?


Not sure who he is but my guess would be that he sure wouldn't want to be considered a friend of any "sad old git with a fat mouth". IIRC
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Not sure who he is but my guess would be that he sure wouldn't want to be considered a friend of any "sad old git with a fat mouth". IIRC

Yep figured it was my friend Tag, Jack the Hammer, Mitch whatever.

Read on another forum Cream rises to the top, well sometimes so does something else, and as usual you are full of it.

ps edgerat, one out of two correct up to now
Read on another forum Cream rises to the top, well sometimes so does something else, and as usual you are full of it

There goes that mouth again. Just call me Mr Tubby

My guess is he got it right.
There goes that mouth again. Just call me Mr Tubby

My guess is he got it right.

Oh, I think other members of the forum were onto what a waste of space you are. I just confirmed their suspicions.

When the inevitable happens, how many forums is this you have been thrown off, four, five, I lose count.

Before you go why don't you start one of your favourite threads, you know, the one where your really interested in rimfire benchrest, where can I get all the equipment from and how do I build a match winning rifle for $150.

That's always good for a few replies from where you can cause more arguments.

ps, I've told you before, it's not Tubby, it's stout.
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Come on guys .....things over the pond need to be respectful

I think it's Miller time