Technical Series:Barrels



To MI or not is the question

What is an MI barrel ? I have never seen in a post anywhere what the internal measurements of an MI barrel are has anyone.

So how do you know if you have one or not ?

I hear they use to win all the time, but never hear about them anymore.

Are they less wind tolerant ?
Tuna 250

The easy way to tell is they don't last very long.
The easy way to tell is they don't last very long.

I guess this sums it up a quote from elsewhere as I am not astute enough to write this myself

I guess the lesson is, if things don't turn out your way make like a politician and divert attention.

Really ........In rimfire benchrest ......How could it be ?
The best I can tell, the phrase was first coined in early 2010 to describe a "new" rifling pattern.
The coining may have occurred prior to that, but Feb. 2010 was the earliest forum reference I could find.

I can't find the specifics, but I'm told if you can find a copy of the unobtainable RAD (Rimfire Accuracy Dictionary),
the full description and definition is a couple pages before "parallel node".
Every barrel I own, in MI. It's the ammo that's Most Intrusive on my wallet.
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Some people advance rimfire so fast one name can,t handle it.
I have never seen in a post anywhere what the internal measurements of an MI barrel are has anyone.

Well, if you make it up as you go along it gets kinda difficult to be specific. Hence all the double talk and gobbledegook that the proponent of MI barrels and a lot more besides usually inflicts upon the unsuspecting reader.

Granted he builds a darn fine rifle but....................... the BS is over whelming most of the time. It got to a point with me where the gag reflex is so strong due to the BS I don't bother reading what gets posted.
Some people advance rimfire so fast one name can,t handle it.

One name wally semen zeus enforcer ,,,,,,Must be sad to have multiple personality and talk to yourself

Guess some people are just lonely and obsessed that they run from board to board to protect ......How sad

Oh Beau too ?

Back to rimfire barrels ........
Jim The two Rock Creek Cut barrels on my guns are the best I have ever owned Period.
What I do not get about MI is this, if the goal of all of this is to have a gun that shoots through a condition with ammo that can do the same. Why would you want to impart less stabilization on a projectile? There is a good chance I don't know what the hell I am talking about but, it would seem to me that a minimally invasive barrel is akin to a smooth-bore shotgun than it is to a rifle barrel. Probably why I keep hearing the cut-rifle Rock barrels shoot in the wind so well....
Thank's edgerat ,This kind of imformation advances rimfire not the crap that comes from the back of a manure spreader.
You got that right Mel! your brother working together with the guys at Rock Creek is the kind of stuff that advances this game. Guys that are willing to test concepts (good and bad) with good components.

Now we will hear what can be felt with a slug but what counts is what the slug feels.
Melvin are you getting in touch with your feminine inner self, I've heard slugs have feelings too.