Team USA and United Kingdom Postal March



The United Kingdom has agreed to shoot a postal match with Team USA.

We will be shooting in mid- March with LV class air rifles in outdoor venues. Teams, ranges and dates will be posted here. Other shooters wishing to shoot at these times and locations can submit scores as individuals.

This should be a wonderful spring event.
We have one team who have volunteered to brave the elements.

Team USA Northeast
Todd Banks
Dan Brown
Rick Ingraham

A location and date will be forthcoming. Again, other shooters are invited to shoot at this match and submit their scores as individuals.
The Rogue River Air Rifles (So. Oregon) would love to shoot in this postal match. The 3 shooters will be named at a later date.
Mike Hopkins
Match Director

Any other European countries to join in?
We have one team who have volunteered to brave the elements.

Our guys will be shooting the match at our "Brass Monkey" competition. I'm not sure if that phrase means the same in the States, but over here it means it might be a little nippy )chill(

Any other European countries to join in?

Not on this occasion, we did ask the Irish, who we have good contact with, but they are mainly rimfire shooters. The air rifle scene for benchrest is not so popular over there.

We have a second team, elements may not be so bad.

Team USA West
Joe Friedrich
Jim Herrick
Brian Denardo

The location will be Open Grove range in Oxnard, California. A date and times will be announced. Again, other shooters are invited to shoot at this match and submit their scores as indivisuals.
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Here's a picture of the Salem Pistol and Rifle Club in New York from last March.View attachment 12153...We may have to find a different range to shoot at for the Postal match:D

Hi Todd,

Unfortunately I couldn’t get the link to work.

I’m a rimfire shooter so don’t have any good pictures of the air rifle range. The best I can do is show you a picture of the area. That’s the hut the benches are located in over my right shoulder (picture taken on a beautiful April’s day in 2009).


As you can see the competition will take place in a deep disused quarry, which can offer some very interesting swirling winds, not that I’m making any early excuses for the guys :rolleyes:

I’m not totally out of the air rifle scene though and have recently purchased one of these on the strength of you guy’s mopping up at the WC’s (always had a thing for blondes)


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Let's see if this works. This pic is taken from the parking lot at the clubhouse on 3/17/11. We use the same 16 benches for RF and AG...just not between Dec. and April;) We're also in an old gravel pit and have a condition we call the "Salem Swirl" that occurs pretty regularly!


You're EV-2 is a beauty! Hope it shoots as good as it looks!
Hi Todd,

Naming winds, I like it. As the range is near Bristol in England, maybe we should call ours the “Bristol Boomer”

Picture is working fine now; I’ll bet that’s a nice range in the summer!!!

Yes, the EV2 is showing promise. Just starting to modify it now. After an air leak I decided to remove the air gauge and replace it with a blanking plug, I found the original gauge to be inaccurate anyway and never used it. The inlet valve has been replaced with the straight push on type which I find a lot easier to use than the T bar.

An air stripper has been fitted and I’m in the process of playing around with that. So far, using AA Field 4.52’s I’m at this stage (5 shots indoors):


Which I thought was pretty good, but the air rifle guys thought it was just “OK” (tough crowd over here)

Next on the hit list is to try a barrel tuner. I’m fortunate in having good contact with Geoff Kolbe at Border barrels and I’m hoping to use his electronic tuning system which has been developed for rimfire, to see what can be done with an air rifle barrel, should be interesting.

Hi Todd,

Naming winds, I like it. As the range is near Bristol in England, maybe we should call ours the “Bristol Boomer”

Picture is working fine now; I’ll bet that’s a nice range in the summer!!!

Yes, the EV2 is showing promise. Just starting to modify it now. After an air leak I decided to remove the air gauge and replace it with a blanking plug, I found the original gauge to be inaccurate anyway and never used it. The inlet valve has been replaced with the straight push on type which I find a lot easier to use than the T bar.

An air stripper has been fitted and I’m in the process of playing around with that. So far, using AA Field 4.52’s I’m at this stage (5 shots indoors):


Which I thought was pretty good, but the air rifle guys thought it was just “OK” (tough crowd over here)

Next on the hit list is to try a barrel tuner. I’m fortunate in having good contact with Geoff Kolbe at Border barrels and I’m hoping to use his electronic tuning system which has been developed for rimfire, to see what can be done with an air rifle barrel, should be interesting.


Hi Can you send me a email Rick
Team USA West will be hosting the postal match with the United Kingdom on March 10, 2012 at Open Grove in Oxnard, California. All other shooters are invited and can have their scores included as individuals.
Our 3rd venue will be the Western States Regional Match on March 17, 2012. The members of Team USA West2 will be announced shortly. Again, other shooters in the LV class are welcome to submit scores as individuals.
This looks to be a great postal match.

Team USA Northeast at somewhere in the northeast, maybe March 24. 2012.
Todd Banks
Dan Brown
Rick Ingraham

Team USA West at Open Grive, Oxnard, California March 10, 2012
Joe Friedrich
Jim Herrick
Brian Denardo

Team USA West2 at Western States Regional Match, Sacramento, California on March 17, 2012
Team members to be selected from LV division competitors.

Any other shooters at these matches in the LV class are invited to submit their scores as individuals.
The UKBR22 teams are shaping up nicely, shooters so far are as follows:

Team 1
Colin Renwick
Graham Freeman
Scott Grayson

Team 2
Colin Evans
Tony Male
John Rogers

Team 3
Alan Grayson
and 2 to follow

The weather is warming up and so are the guys, lets hope it stops that way :cool:

Match to take part on the 9th March.

Out of interest a picture from a shooting show we attended last weekend, with a couple of air rifles on the stand:


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Coming into the home stretch to another great postal match with the United Kingdom.

Team USA Northeast at Salem, New York on March 25. 2012.
Todd Banks
Dan Brown
Rick Ingraham

Team USA West at Open Grive, Oxnard, California March 10, 2012
Joe Friedrich
Jim Herrick
Brian Denardo

Team USA Northwest at Western States Regional Match, Sacramento, California on March 17, 2012.
JD Dodge
Jim Benson
Dave Brown

Any other shooters at these matches in the LV class are invited to submit their scores as individuals.
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Team USA Northeast will be shooting at Salem, NY on Sun. March 25, conditions permitting. The benches are 75 yards from the clubhouse parking lot and we don't snowplow down to them. If we get a late season snow storm we will have to reschedule.

I can spell but typing is a challenge at times. As well as, trying to have this old guy in Texas behave.
Just checked the weather for this weekend, not looking to bad, 50F, plenty of sunshine and 10 to 14 mph winds, so pretty good for this time of year.

I'm heading down to Bristol on Thursday to get ready for a weekend of fun. Hope to post some pictures and the results on Monday when I get back.

Good luck to Joe Friedrich, Jim Herrick & Brian Denardo who I believe are shooting this weekend as well.

Whatever the outcome, It's been a big talking point in the UK and raised a lot of interest, hope we can do it again (maybe even come over and do it in person, we'll see!!)

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