Targets Talk

Chism G

Active member
On a windy day and overcast skies, at a 200yd registered match, somewhere in Texas.

What do these targets say about Rifle tune, conditions and shooter?



Wind was right to left? Target on right shows gun problem or maybe scope? Orrr maybe shot in a twitchy condition? no head or tailwind or very slight?
What am I missing?
Did both shooters get away with firing only four shot?
Target on left is more in tune with one wind assisted flyer.
Target on right wasn’t watching the flags or missed some conditions.
Sun was in and out of the clouds so mirage was throwing you off.
Misspelled “wind”.
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On a windy day and overcast skies, at a 200yd registered match, somewhere in Texas.

What do these targets say about Rifle tune, conditions and shooter?



I would say the LHS the shooter missed either a letup in wind or change of direction.

The RHS target was shot at the wrong time as range was not consistent and I would say potentially holding off incorrectly and there were pickups and drop offs of wind.

That’s my thoughts
On a windy day and overcast skies, at a 200yd registered match, somewhere in Texas.

What do these targets say about Rifle tune, conditions and shooter?



I think the guy on the left has a decent gun, he shot 2 sighters and went for it....... got caught...... went down below and confirmed it.

I think the guy on the right...nawww, I dunno what the guy on the right did.

On a windy day, where the winds are switching,every which way, the group on the right, is the norm rather than the exception. There was no mirage. Ive had my share of 200yd groups like the one on the right. If you shoot short range BR,there are those that have and those that will.

The shooter on the left is a skilled wind shooter,(Hall of Famer). the target on the right, It appears that he lost concentration. Not hard to do when you’re looking down range at quick red and green flag changes.

We have conditions here when at times, its hard to keep all five shots on paper at
200yds. It seems that no matter how nasty conditions get, there is always a few who figures it out and take home the trophies.

Well,if it was easy, it wouldn’t be fun. Benchrest!

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Looks like targets from last years Nationals, where shooters, (good ones), put shots off of the paper.

The shooter on the left obviously has a good shooting Rifle. He just missed the condition on one shot.

The other target? Bad shooting, bad tune.
The target on the right looks like my effort from our Australia Day shoot this year, my first competition. I had no idea of how to shoot in windy condition.