Tack Driver III


New member
For everyone wishing to attend Tack Driver III. There will be a new thread started shortly and the preregistration form will be available Friday 11-12 to download and mail in your deposit. I am happy to announce that Jack Neary will be hosting a tuning session on Thursday or Friday night before the match for anyone that wants to attend. This is a great gesture from Jack to take 2 hours out of his time to host this session. Thanks and stay tuned for the form on Friday. Thanks JC
Open registration tomorrow morning

Registrations are rolling in as we speak from those that attended the Tack Driver II. The Tack Driver III registration will open in the morning for everyone else taking the first 100 applications recieved. The dates are 11-5&6-2022. Be looking in the morning for the form to be filled out and sent in. Thanks for everyone's interest!
Open Registration

Open registration for The Tack Driver III has started. If you want to shoot against the best in the nation at a match like no other, now is your chance. I will take the first 100 applications as they are recieved by mail. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you in November.


  • Tack Driver pre-registration.pdf
    154.4 KB · Views: 345
Registrations are arriving daily. If you are planning on attending this even, please don't hesitate and get your registration in the mail. It is currently limited the first 100 registrations RECIEVED as to be fair to everyone wanting to attend. Thanks for your understanding. JC
For anyone that has miled your registration in already. I have called everyone that I have recieved their registration for as of today's mail. I will be leaving here for a hunting trip and will call everyone that I recieve while I'm gone when i get back. My wife will be numbering them as they arrive to ensure the first 100 recieved are the ones that get registered. Thanks JC
Tack Driver II article

Go read the great article on today's accurate shooter's bulletin. Thanks Bart and Paul for the great article and pictures!
$1,000 Grand agg winner prize

ATTENTION ALL SHOOTERS! I just recieved a phone call that ALEX WHEELER has put up a $1,000 additional prize for the AGGREGATE winner at the Tack Driver III! I am blown away at the support this match has gained and hope everyone appreciates the support as much as I do. Now all you LONG RANGE guys come show the Group and Score people how it's done! The main question is will Roy, Jeff and Wayne add to their autographed shirt collection? Stay tuned for the live results again in November!


I greatly appreciate your generosity and support of this match and our shooting sports.
ATTENTION ALL SHOOTERS! I just recieved a phone call that ALEX WHEELER has put up a $1,000 additional prize for the AGGREGATE winner at the Tack Driver III! I am blown away at the support this match has gained and hope everyone appreciates the support as much as I do. Now all you LONG RANGE guys come show the Group and Score people how it's done! The main question is will Roy, Jeff and Wayne add to their autographed shirt collection? Stay tuned for the live results again in November!


I greatly appreciate your generosity and support of this match and our shooting sports.

Thank you Mr. Wheeler.