T36 distinguishing holes at 600yds

Ackley Improved

New member

The Weaver T36's, how are they for seeing holes at 600yds?

How much quicker do they lose sight of the holes before a Nightforce 12-42?

I know it is condition determined, but on the same given day with the same conditions, how does the T36 compare at the longs.

I am mainly interested in 6mm holes also.

To be able to resolve 6mm bullet holes at 600 yards you need at least a 50mm objective diameter, very good lenses and very good seeing conditions.

For the calculations use this simple calculator: http://www.twincityrodandgun.com/Bullet%20Hole%20Res%20Req/Bullet%20Hole%20Res%20Req.htm

Lou is correct. I've been using T-36s for years but have recently received two March fixed 60x and a 50x both have much better resolution, clearer to the edge of field, and better color correction than the T-36s.

With no or little mirage, the March scopes will resolve two 6mm bullet holes that overlap by 50% while the T-36s will not resolve even a single 6mm bullet hole at 600 yards.
Lou Murdica

Lou if your drivig past Sacramento this sunday morning 6-22-08 we are having a 600 yard match.Bring your wife and "The Pumpkin" with you as well.

I have a 36 Weaver and a NF 12 X 42. I can see about the same. Only about half the time for both in the white. for a 6mm.

Mark Schronce
buy a march and see your holes all the time
Particularly the one's in your shoes, 'cause you just spent all your money.

On balance, I'd say it is very hard to distinguish holes, but I'd consider dressing them in a tuxedo. Can't get more distinguished than that. Besides, at 600 yards, who'd see them?
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Premier scopes were my scope of choice had really good success with no problems of POI change.
Just recieved 10-60x March scope and this scope is in a league of its own.

Holes at 600y.?

Premier scopes were my scope of choice had really good success with no problems of POI change.
Just recieved 10-60x March scope and this scope is in a league of its own.


I always could justify my mind to spend several grand on a good rifle, but I never was able to do the same with the scope. By reading this thread I think that I'll have to reverse my money spending priority.

Shoot better
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March 10-60 ordered....

Going for the Tactical reticle.. I like hold off points, and have always shot with NP-R2 Nightforce reticle.


Peter at a match last year Lou Murdica was telling me how I shot.I looked through my nightforce set on 42 power and as Mark said above I could barely see what looked like holes in the white part of the target.Lou had me look into his scope and you could do your own scoring as they were that clear and crisp.On a day when the mirage isn't horrible its like looking through a 36X Leupold at 400 yards.
Are they worth the extra $$$$ to see holes at 600 yards? For the answer just look at who is using them.

I was looking for another target scope only to find that premier was not producing scopes any more. So i ordered a March 10-60x with out seeing the product. (i was not dissapointed)
March scopes are optically better than any other scope on the market. (what you pay is what you get) IMO

Alan f

Can you share what the price of the 10-60 March is?

