Sync flags to a computer?.......

Glen, here is a close up of the first prototype. The vane is 18 x 4 in area on a 7 ft stand. The cups are 5 1/2 inches in diameter. They should be visible enough for center fire use at 100 & 200.

No, I haven't. I designed them for night shoots when the winds die. I haven't shot CF since 2011. Almost any old flag design will work well in the daytime winds. It is much more difficult to build a flag that can reliably operate in a sub 1 mph wind. Those pesky RFs sure get kicked around in the wind with their own peculiarities regarding mild winds.:confused:

I cant find my magnifying glass,but was that a 2500? Wow...Seems like you dealt with that target pretty good.

Like the way you used the sighter. It don"t git no better. AWESOME!

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Below are links to 2 videos.

The first shows the sensors. The anemometer cups drive a DC motor that generates a current. The flag is driving an elliptical piston hooked up to a potentiometer. When the flag is at a full crosswind the full DC charge is allowed to flow through. As the flag goes from crosswind to null, the potentiometer allows less of the signal to come through until no signal comes through at the null. The elliptical drive under the flag makes it so that when the flag first comes off of the crosswind the signal is barely reduced. As it approaches null the signal is being reduced very rapidly. In this way the signal coming through is representative of the crosswind component or bullet push only.

The next problem is the weighting of each sensor. A 10 MPH crosswind at 10 yards has much more effect on your bullet push than a 10 MPH crosswind at 90 yards. We came up with 2 solutions. One solution is to space the flags evenly and create an algorithm to reduce the amount of current each sensor is allowed to contribute as the flags get further downrange. The other solution was to divide the range into segment that each contributed the same amount of push. For example on a 100 yard range, the first 29 yards push your bullet as much as the last 71 yards. With only 2 flags, you would put one in the middle of each segment at 14 yards and the other one at 65 yards. I use 7 flags, so at 100 yards I place them at 4, 12,20,30,41,55 and 79 yards. According to our calculations, each flag will contribute equally to the overall push on the target at 100 yards. For 200 yards, simply double the yardages. With 7 flags, the first 8 yards push the bullet the same amount as the last 41 yards. The final 10 yards to the target only contribute 1% of your total bullet push!

1st Video

The second video focuses more on the display and it is explained in the video.

2nd Video


Your system only shows horizontal displacement, no vertical. How do you compensate for that?
10 years ago seems longer...

We had some good ideas but they were way expensive. Jerry seems to have found a cheaper way. All that needs to be done further is develop software that recognizes a pattern (how it came about) and tells you when to shoot. Further, if you had a killer rifle that could/would win without such, you couldn't be beat....unless of course there was a glitch and you didn't realize it!

If you think about it a bit, it's just a game that's trying hard to stay the same. This is not the costs a little more and more is not a good thing for many.

All that needs to be done further is develop software that recognizes a pattern (how it came about) and tells you when to shoot.

If I could write a software program that predicts what the wind is going to do next, I wouldn't waste it on Benchrest. I would use it to buy lotto tickets!
Wind and Mirage

Has anyone tried to sync their flags to a computer...... Lets say you have a way to..... When you shoot your first shot you click the enter button and it stores the info it got from each of your flags. Then...... When that condition comes back you get a "beep" to let you know the condition is as close to exact as it was in your first shot.

I'm not saying we should allow this but was wondering if it would work or has anyone tried it? Wilbur and I use to talk about this kind of stuff 10 years ago ?

Ever seen the mirage doing something contradictory to what the flags are indicating. I see it often at my home range. The bullet nearly always goes with where the mirage says the bullet should go. So I think this sort of electronic flag system would cause more headaches than we have now.
Ever seen the mirage doing something contradictory to what the flags are indicating. I see it often at my home range. The bullet nearly always goes with where the mirage says the bullet should go. So I think this sort of electronic flag system would cause more headaches than we have now.

I know what you mean, Andy, but wind is what's moving the mirage..sideways at least. Perhaps if a flag were placed in the right place, it and the mirage would agree, more often.

I don't think a perfect e-flag system is feasible, if possible, but I do think it'd be better than most of us, on most days.
To add to what Mike says. Mirage is not a physical force. If Mirage is going in a different direction than your Wind Flags. Trust your wind flags.

You can easily test this with a Rail Gun. I Did.

Mirage is just a signature

To add to what Mike says. Mirage is not a physical force. If Mirage is going in a different direction than your Wind Flags. Trust your wind flags.

You can easily test this with a Rail Gun. I Did.


Your correct mirage is just a signature of the forces driving it. However I have noticed on several ranges when the mirage seems to be flowing left to right and the flags are indicating a right to left air flow the bullets are nearly always displaced on the target in the direction the mirage is flowing. Not the flags. Flags are below the bullets flight path. Trusting the flags in this situation will nearly always result in tears. In some cases where the flags are facing one another and seem to be all over the place and cannot be interpreted some shooters shoot amazingly small groups just watching the mirage only.
Those of us who shoot service rifle and palma do not get anything but the one range flag. We shoot with the mirage. A good shooter can shott 1/2 moa at 600yrds with iron sights and a sling.