Super Shoot Results 2022

James A. Kelbly

New member
I want to thank all Sponsors and Competitors for the last match to be held at Kelbly's. There are many reasons for Kelbly's not to hold any more matches, but the biggest is I am too old to deal with the three to four months of getting ready and finishing up before and after the match. My boys after watching me their entire lives want nothing to do with running matches and looking back I do not blame them.

My brother Mike ( Target Crew Chief) had a heart attack while changing frames from 100 to 200 yards Weds evening and he is home after two stints they put in Weds evening. He is doing fine. Thursday at about 6pm I just didn't feel right and went to bed to make up several hours later with 102 fever. Well that was it for me and I stayed away on last day to minimize possible spread to more people. One of the most disappointing days of my life and I will never get back that last day and emceeing our last awards ceremony. My son Ian stepped in and did a great job as people have told me. I am back to work today and doing fine.

As far as the future of the Firearms Industry Super Shoot, Wade Hull of Shilen Inc. is taking over and I feel it is in good hands, but as with anything only time will tell. I will be here for advice if asked and will not interfere. My wish is it will continue to be the Short Range BR match everyone would like to attend. 2023 Super Shoot will be held in St Louis and the tentative date is May 22 - 25 2023 and Wade is just waiting on St Louis BOD to approve the dates. I am sure Wade will keep you informed on this site. I plan to be there as a competitor for my first time competing in the Super Shoot.

Attached is the 2022 Super Shoot Results. Congratulations to all the winners and especially four time winner Jeff Summers quite a feat.



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Can't thank you and the boys and the whole crew for keeping things running smooth all week and very glad to hear that you are back on your feet. Ian did a great job as MC for the awards ceremony, but I know how much you probably wanted to be there.
You have given a lot of shooters irreplaceable memories and a bar for competition that has no equal in the benchrest game.
Thank you for all your sacrifices and those in your crew as well,
Thankyou Jim

For all you and your family have done for us all over the many years.
I am thankful that I was able to attend the final cease fire, but feel an empty spot down deep as I am sure others do as well that it will be the last time some of us will see each other.
Congratulations to all the winners and losers, hope to see most of you from time to time.
Thanks again Jim, and prayers to you and you family.
Mike you hang in there buddy prayers and God Bless you all.

Milt Craven
Thanks Kelbly Crew

A big thank you to all that helped run "The shoot" It was always the shoot to attend. I've had many good times there and have always enjoyed the hospitality of the SS staff. I just wish I would have kept a diary of the event. Way to much fun to forget. Made many friends.

Thank you guys and gals.

Gary Ocock
Big thank you!

Best Wishes

Dear Jim, I wish to thank you and your family for giving us the Super Shoot. I was only able to make it once but it was memorable. Had a wonderful time. Learned a lot and saw the greatest shooters, Shoot.
Hope you and your family are feeling better soon.
As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, there were no Super Shoot Results for 2022 as it had not yet occurred. The Super Shoot is a competitive shooting event held annually in Sparta, Illinois, attracting participants from around the world. Results are typically posted online after the event concludes.
The Grand American ATA trap shoot is held in Sparta usually every year and attracts shooters from around the world. The Super Shoot was held in Ohio until 2022 and the results have been posted.
They are now settling on new location for the Super Shoot and in 2023 will have it at the St Louis club.