Stumbled across this tip for preventing rust on a lathe

I keep a small fan blowing air by all my machines and cant find rust anymore even on ways and mag chucks. it was a constant battle that I used kerosene to combat. the lanolin is a real good idea
Try Inox MX-3


Have been using Inox MX-3 on my lathe for rust.

It's also a handy cutting fluid which leaves a mirror finish on aluminium and also does a good job of protecting firearm parts. It is lanolin based.

Best of all, it's Australian

No wurries * Danny *
Another use

Back when I was flying B-52's our parachute packs contained a small emergency kit that was a last resort. One of the things it contained was a couple of small blocks of pemmican bars. They contained flaked beef, pork and other stuff I've forgotten. But the whole thing was mixed and held together with lanolin. I guess that was to make it easier to slide down your gullet.
My best friend is one of those anal guys. His garage doesn't have climate control. He lives in Ouray, Co. A lot of temp. and humidity changes. For several years he has coated the unpainted surfaces of his table saw and drill press with it. If he says it works great, it works great. I know nothing at all about the properties of it. I don't have a problem here as my shop has both heating and cooling from 2 heat pumps. I have used it a little, butas I said, I don't personally have a problem.
What are you saying Bill? Is the MSDS any different than Castrol motor oil?
I don't know, I'm just asking. Back 50 years ago I cleaned parts and my hands with trichlorethlene. My Dad used chlordane on our vegetable garden. We used to follow the DDT spraying trucks on our bikes because the spray was cool in the hot weather. Did you ever get a small bottle of mercury and rub it on pennies to give them a silver shine.
Cancer will probably get me tomorrow.
Butch, wasn't trying to say anything other than I figured posting the MSDS would quickly and easily tell us what was in the stuff. I too have had my hands in far too many chemicals before I knew any better. Interesting though, I've been using Penetrol as a final finish on rusted ornamental iron. Get the patina where I want it and spray on a vey light film of Penetrol. Never thought of using it as a rust preventive on machinery.