stripping AcraGlas from steel.


oft dis'd member
I recently used AcraGlass to affix some carbon fiber over carbon steel. Don't ask me why.

Anyways, AcraGlas is BROWN not clear and the parts look like something passed by a disgruntled bovine.

I need a serious stripper of the epoxy kind....What destroys AgraGlas?

I think that if you immerse the rec in acetone long enough the epoxy will come off.
a large dalop of elbow grease.......

heat helps..acetone for the final cleanup ..if you can immerse and let it sit awhile...

mike in co

If your just trying to separate the pieces, how bout' freezing it? Same theory as freezing a glue-in to get it out of the stock.

You will probably need a heat gun, a regular hair dryer might not have enough heat. When I unglue an action, that is how I get the glue that invariably sticks to the action off. You have to destroy the integrety of the compound.........jackie
I was hoping not to use heat because that's such a mess but the cold thing might be just the ticket. I'll try the acetone too....and the C tet and the MEK and the Brake-Kleen and the Citri-Gel and the hydro-chlor and the every other solvent in the cubberd....

Shucks, it's just so cool that vinegar works SOOO good on it,

before it's hard LOL

You'll waste lots of time fooling around with solvents. A really deep cold freeze might make the epoxy hard enough to fracture off, but mostly it's going to require elbow grease.

Too much fun.
"parts look like something passed by a disgruntled bovine" LOL

Freezing works well for removing glued in actions, but have you considered sanding the glass & then painting the part?
Regards, Ron
Soldering Iron

An inexpensive soldering iron-----with the tip shaped like a small cold chisel----does a good job if there's not too much to remove.

I filed a conventional pointed tip into this "cold chisel" shape and it did a very good job on some JB Weld.
Please don't ask how the dummy got the stuff on the sides of a Viper SS action.

There may be better shapes for the tip but this is the only shape I've tried.

Good luck.

A. Weldy
MEK will soften epoxy

But MEK like most other solvents will also soften internal organs like lungs into mush over time, well not really, but it ain't good for lungs or other internal organs. If you use it use it with GREAT ventilation or outdoors. Betcha it's rainin' and nasty in SW WA where Al's at about this time of year too.
MEK will do the job, while in the Navy we were stripping the epoxy paint off of pilots helmets, I accidentally left a helmet in the vat of MEK overnight, the next morning the only thing left was the fiberglass cloth! We had to wear monitor and mask with outside air pumped into the mask. This stuff destroys brain cells at a rapid rate, so like the other poster said use it outside!
I was maybe 20yrs old and in gunsmithing school using solvents when I woke up one morning tasting the stuff in the back of my throat. I've been more careful since.....
