Stockade Long Range Benchrest Stock



I'm needing info on Kevin Rayhills Stockade LRB Stock. Any would very much be appreciated. Thanks Don Dunlap
Mine took a year and was unservicable when it arrived (being generous).

Originally promised 2 to 4 months.

Folks can pay an extra $100. to get put in front of the line of those that have been waiting like me.

A BR stock should not be wider at the front of the forearm than the rear and hang up in the bag.

A BR stock should track straight and not be facing away from the target after recoiling back in the bags.

Major problems and delays should be communicated to the customer at least semi-annually on a 2 month project Lol.

Being too publicly critical of a gunsmith get's your post deleted to protect the moderators and forum owners from shame and liability etc. so just a general overview of basic facts was offered and many other facts and personal opinions and characterizations were not mentioned above in deference to others but you get the drift of my experience with Kevin. I shoot with others each week that have had similar problems and experiences with the LR stocks and this is common and easily quantified with a ruler and square and is in no way a vendetta or personal attack (the barreled action is a tack-driver after re-stocking it) but just a re-telling from a recent personal experience and hopefully will allow others to make an informed decision when choosing a stock and maker.

Others on the forum have had better luck with his hunting stocks and will chime in below to give their sides of the story and I can only speak to the benchrest stocks after handling several different ones with similar problems.