Still looking for Bill Ackerman

Hi Gang:

I can not reach him at the phone number in N.M. as it has been disconneceted. I think that he retired some years ago.

Is there somebody out there who will repair my Bushnell scopes?


Pathetic Shooting Magazine? I haven't seen that one yet! I fit that description, so I need that magazine!
I still have not received my August issue of PS. I called, she said to wait 5 weeks from July 24th, when they were mailed. If I had not received it by Aug 30th call back. By then I will probably be down another month. I usually have my issue by the 4th or 5th of the month. Wonder what the Post Office does with all those issues? Do they just set them in a corner and say oh well we still have another 3 weeks before we have to get those out. No wonder they are loosing out to the other shippers.

I still have not received my August issue of PS. ..... Wonder what the Post Office does with all those issues? Do they just set them in a corner and say oh well we still have another 3 weeks before we have to get those out.....

We know that some people call gun magazines obscene.......Maybe the mailmain sneaks a wicked peek at it during his lunch break in the same way I've witnessed them looking over the Playboy Magazine subscriptions. (I unwittingly snuck up on a mailman one day parked way off in the corner of Wendy's.)

Does your PS magazine look all wrinkled and messy when it finally arrives? :D