Stepping Away


This has been one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. I spoke with a few close friends and have finally come to the conclusion that it is time for me to leave B.R. Central. As I see it something has changed in our sport and it is not for the better. This has no bearing on business commitments I will still make dies and still experiment hopefully more and perhaps even get to go to a few matches. To the many customers I have dealt with I thank you and you know how to get in touch with me as I value the friendships I have made either in person or other ways. As for the computer competitors please do not contact me I no longer have the time to waste on proving what has already been learned. George Ulrich P.S. Wilbur per our conversation thanks...
The forum will be lessened by your absence. You have contributed a lot to it with your posts. I understand about keeping things simple in one's life, and avoiding things that cause too much aggravation. Take care.

If for some reason you get lonely and miss BRC I can send you a couple of my costume's that I use when I get that way and close the closet door and talk to some of the voices till everything seems calm again. That usually takes care of some of the conversations that these guys put on this web site.

The Libster
Good luck to you Sir. We never knew each other and I'm just starting the sport , still some thing feels missing. Regards, Tom J.
I paid attention whenever George posted. I can't understand why people can't just ignore the fools. It's a shame.
The forum will be lessened by your absence. You have contributed a lot to it with your posts. I understand about keeping things simple in one's life, and avoiding things that cause too much aggravation. Take care.

Some great words of wisdom right there. Some of us have poor aggravation filters that pull from the quality of life in a big way. The world is in constant change and it can't be stopped.

Take care George.
Some people will believe facts,only when they agree with what they already believe

You have figured out that:
When you argue with a fool, they are doing the same thing .:)

people will
This has been one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. I spoke with a few close friends and have finally come to the conclusion that it is time for me to leave B.R. Central. As I see it something has changed in our sport and it is not for the better. This has no bearing on business commitments I will still make dies and still experiment hopefully more and perhaps even get to go to a few matches. To the many customers I have dealt with I thank you and you know how to get in touch with me as I value the friendships I have made either in person or other ways. As for the computer competitors please do not contact me I no longer have the time to waste on proving what has already been learned. George Ulrich P.S. Wilbur per our conversation thanks...
George, The people that know, know what you say is correct. Know some of you know why a great deal of the knowledgeable stay away from forums.
Wilbur, you ain't the problem, just the keyboard shooters.
Mr Ulrich please reconsider this, the ignore button works quite well. You can ignore me and my foolishness yet I can still learn from your posts. Thanks for presenting the truth.

George, this forum needs you! Just ignore the dilrods and keyboard shooters. If they treat you without the respect your opinion deserves, they're either ignorant of who you are, and/or one of the above.

I know you are concerned about the sports reduced numbers. I think a big part of this is it takes considerable knowledge just to finish in the middle of the page! Some don't have the fortitude, others lack access to the knowledge. You are one of the few that contributes knowledge from the highest levels of the sport and this forum is a great vehicle to do that. Chill out and think about how you enjoy helping people. I know I'm thankful for it.

For those that don't know who he is: anybody that is anybody that makes bullets or components has George's cell number, he has probably participated in more successful and failed bullet accuracy experiments than anyone. I don't really know his formal educational level, but he can make an engineer blush if you get him to really open up. He is a little bit opinionated. That is good. You don't have to spend a lot of time thinking about what he is really telling you.
I am sorry to hear this George. Unfortunately I understand your position quite well.
If I can ever help you in any way my contact info is on the IBS site.
I joined about 8 years ago. For the first several years I saw a generally very polite give and take that included posts from many very well known BR shooters, some of the custom action manufacturers, many bullet makers, and others with serious hard earned expertise. Unfortunately, the tone of a few posters has become loud and adversarial and I don't blame any one for walking away.

Some of the loudest voices actually are very knowledgeable and post good information, but tend to shout down and criticize any posts that dare to disagree or even offer a slightly different theory to explain the same phenomenon.

It saddens me to see it. I have visited other forums and seen some that are much worse. I guess some folks just really want to be THE expert.
You know, it is possible to leave a forum simply by not visiting it any more.
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George: Your contributions have been many. I truly appreciate the time you gave and the effort you made to share your expertise. My own bullet making benefited by the ideas you shared.

Wishing you all the best, my friend. :) -Al