Sporter 10 shot Nationals


Kettlefoot will host the first ever 10 Shot Sporter Nationals on Aug. 18th, 2018. This is the only 2018 outdoor 5 target 10 shot sporter match to be held, so the World Record will be set. Lots of points available. Everyone is welcome to the toughest rimfire match there is.... Sporter 10 Shot.

Tony, question for you, are the rules posted on the IR 5050 site the official rules or are they in need of correction?It says in the rules that, and I quote, "a shot leaving no white showing with-in the circumference of the 10 ring receives a score of 10 points" Now if I am shooting a tightbore barrel and shoot a perfect doughnut/pinwheel or whatever you call it there is going to be a small white line between the bullet hole and the ten ring all the way around, wouldn't this in fact be a 10? Even though there IS white showing within the ten ring?
Thank you
Your friend,
Mike Cameron
Tony, question for you, are the rules posted on the IR 5050 site the official rules or are they in need of correction?It says in the rules that, and I quote, "a shot leaving no white showing with-in the circumference of the 10 ring receives a score of 10 points" Now if I am shooting a tightbore barrel and shoot a perfect doughnut/pinwheel or whatever you call it there is going to be a small white line between the bullet hole and the ten ring all the way around, wouldn't this in fact be a 10? Even though there IS white showing within the ten ring?
Thank you
Your friend,
Mike Cameron

I am not the expert here but I believe the shot would be looked at with the pin (plug) stuck in the bullet hole.
That way you would not see any white only the black ring of the ten ring. If you look at the scoring example you can see that the shot does not have to be perfect. But it has to be within 2 thousands of perfect.

Maybe Wayne or Bruce will shed more light on your question.
One thing I can tell you is shooting ten shot is a much more enjoyable game than regular 50/50.
Is sporter 10 shot 30 minutes?
Tony, you say its more enjoyable for you. Please explain why you feel that way. TIA
Wayne, do you ever foresee a 3-Gun 10Shot?

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T "a shot leaving no white showing with-in the circumference of the 10 ring receives a score of 10 points" Now if I am shooting a tightbore barrel and shoot a perfect doughnut/pinwheel or whatever you call it there is going to be a small white line between the bullet hole and the ten ring all the way around, wouldn't this in fact be a 10? Even though there IS white showing within the ten ring?

All potential 10 Shots are plugged with the official ir5050 pin. With this pin there are literally a few thousands leeway from showing black all around to getting that sliver. I shot a 10 shot with Sporter a few weeks ago and the plug showed exactly the same ring all the way around. Just dumb luck but still pretty cool. I've shot enough 10 shot targets to know that there's no way to know if you just shot a 10 SHOT through your rifle scope. Even looking at the shot close up won't tell you. I've seen some that seem quite close but upon pinning you can see the white sliver with the naked eye.

Since the plug is used (just like any 5050 game) it doesn't matter how small the bullet hole appears. When Wayne rolled this out at at the demo match at the UL Nationals last Fall I heard someone say they weren't going to shoot it because "I shoot Lapua and my bullet holes are too small." You can see now why this makes no difference.

Come shoot it. It really is a lot of fun.

My two cents

Is sporter 10 shot 30 minutes?
Tony, you say its more enjoyable for you. Please explain why you feel that way. TIA
Wayne, do you ever foresee a 3-Gun 10Shot?



I'll jump in here with my 2 cents worth.

Sporter 10 SHOT is 30 minutes. UL 10 SHOT is 20 miuntes. Scoring is the same for both.

As for more enjoyable I can say that I really enjoy it. You have to get your head around what you're doing compared to a regular 50/50 target.

The main difference is that it's only additive as opposed to subtractive. By this I mean that you can only gain points... you can't lose them.

This affects the way you shoot it in two ways. If you miss an X with a hard 10 or a minus 5 it counts the same. ZERO points. Think about this compared to regular 50/50. So, let's say that on your first row you shoot two shots that each would be minus two on a regular target and 3 shots that cover the X. Now you have 18 points, which, if you keep that up might win you the target.

Then, there's this. Those two minus two shots on that first row? You now have two big juicy sighters on your actual target. Why? Because you can shoot 50 shots in each of those bulls if you want. You can't get less than zero on any on bull.

The analogy might be that it makes things more like a pitcher in baseball or a quarterback. You might give up a few home runs in the first inning or throw a few interceptions but you can come back strong and win the game.

I'm not a believer in the "miss one shot and you're out" buzz that people talk about with 505/50. I've seen too many matches won with missed shots. But this game takes a little of that out of the mix and let's you really work a target.

The last thing I'll throw in here is that you might shoot a "regular" 250-10X and feel OK about your target. At least it's a 250, right? In 10 SHOT that target might just be in the low 40s compared to winning targets in the 80-100 range for Sporter. But that 248-18X target we shoot sometimes might be in right in that winning range.

It would be great if you could come down next weekend, Keith. It's going to be fun.

Is sporter 10 shot 30 minutes?
Tony, you say its more enjoyable for you. Please explain why you feel that way. TIA
Wayne, do you ever foresee a 3-Gun 10Shot?



I think Bruce pretty well covered your question but would add, shooting 10 shot means you never "feel" out of it until the last shot is fired.

You stay focused until the very end.

As Bruce said many targets are won with less than 250 scores but it is hard not to "feel" out of it when you drop a point or two in the first row in a regular 50/50 match.

As for a three gun 10 shot, I'm for it but as you said it is up to Wayne. I just hope we get some shooters to shoot 10 shot enough to get the idea.

It was great shooting with you this weekend. You shot well all weekend, but you really lit it up in that last match.

Bruce, I was considering coming down but we have a match in NH on Sunday. Not a deal breaker but in checking on hotels in Bristol for Friday night the lowest price was $250. Seems there is a NASCAR race down there that has inflated prices 3X!!
I’m out.
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