Sponsors for IBS 200-300 Nationals

Jim Cline

New member
I really appreciate the outpouring of support and donations for the shooters at the IBS Nationals 200-300 yard event. The following have already submitted their donations and I ask that if you buy from these people you would also thank them for their support of our sport. This list will be added to more as the donations continue to come in.
Brux barrels
Shilen barrels
Krieger barrels
Redding reloading
PMA tools
Edgewood bags
Flying fish
Midway USA
Lucas bore guides
Joe Maisto
Mike Clayton
Jerry Powers
Steve Hill
Todd Payseur
Henry Rivers
Mike Ezell
Josh Shrum
Swader Miller
American Barrel Company
Bruno's shooter supply
Brad Gollner
Cline bullets
James Parham
James Lederer barrels
Defaince Actions
Harrells precision
K&M precision shooting products
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I really appreciate the outpouring of support and donations for the shooters at the IBS Nationals 200-300 yard event. The following have already submitted their donations and I ask that if you buy from these people you would also thank them for their support of our sport. This list will be added to more as the donations continue to come in.
Brux barrels
Shilen barrels
Krieger barrels
Redding reloading
PMA tools
Edgewood bags
Flying fish
Midway USA
Lucas bore guides
Joe Maisto
Mike Clayton
Jerry Powers
Steve Hill
Todd Payseur
Henry Rivers
You mean you didn't hit up that cheap bastrd who own's Cline's bullets to donate some of his bullets? LMFAO! You tell Strawberry Jerry if he puts up 500 plants and a half a pig as a prize' I'll be down.
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Jim i heard those bullets were junk! i will reach out to him and see if he will give away some culls!

No you heard wrong about those Cline Bullets. Those sons of bitches shoot lights out. Just ask Jim Cline how well they shoot, he'll tell ya! It's the TLC he puts in each and every bullet that makes them shoot so well.
Thanks Jim for doing the leg work to put a nice prize table together. This is one of the big things that can be done to make Benchrest more appealing to the potential new shooters as well as sweetening the pot for the current competitors. It seems that having manufacturer & service provider donated prizes is routine in most of the other shooting sports. It just takes someone willing, confident and credible to make the calls. Hopefully other match directors will see the potential and seek prizes for next year's larger events.You never know what might be available if you don't ask.
I'm looking forward to coming down to shoot.......I'm sure it will be worth the drive.

The list continues to grow. If you are interested please let me know and I will add you to the list. Thanks to all who are supporting our sport.
more sponsors

As the 200-300 Nationals approach quickly, I would like to thank the above sponsors. I really appreciate your support of our shooting sport. If you see their name listed on here and do business with them please thank them for their contribution.