SPF New RF At Shot Show

I wonder how long til a avg. joe like me can obtain one?
I e-mailed about a set - SS and Repeater.
I think all the heavy hitters will scarf up the first lots.
I'm going to be in on this.
Stiller RF

I would think he would do well with it.....also it will be great on the line.:)
I played with the one at the Shot Show, and Jerry and Curtis did a fine job with this action.

I actually got Jerry to smile for a picture, but I had to tell him to imagine the girls at Olympic Gardens.

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I played with the one at the Shot Show, and Jerry and Curtis did a fine job with this action.

I actually got Jerry to smile for a picture, but I had to tell him to imagine the girls at Olympic Gardens.



Sense you've seen ine, is the action just exacty like a 40x or ar ther differences.