Speed loader



The speed loader that is placed on the joystick of the front rest. Is there a place to buy this?

Example as Charles H. uses in this video:
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The answer is on here somewhere. Forget who makes them. But, there were a lot of comments last year.....
Call Bruno's
Larry came up with it and several people copied his. Someone in the last year or so started making them but I don't remember who.

Larry Costa made first one I ever saw; cannabilized one of those custom ammo boxes. At first, I thought he was solving a non-problem. After making one myself, I'm a believer.
Not sure it was Larry who came up with idea. I saw one somewhere and copied it using old ammo box. Scotty took my crude attempt and made me a couple of good ones. Contact Scotty Crawford (sp) and he can make you good ones. Larry's are good but I do not think he is in business of making them. Works really good - even shooting P.D.s.