Southeast championship Riverbend


jim ,, haven't yoooo seen all those zombies on tv... Never know what you'll run into nowdays,,, wilbur has been absent for a long while

hey wilbur ,,, got room in the cadilac,, for a varmint?

he was one of the best to welcome me to benchrest!
We're grateful

he was one of the best to welcome me to benchrest!

Jim,, I think we all are glad he did. I just wish the S.E. Region wasn't dwindling. Jim,, you and Mr. Wilbur iz great people. I thank you and Wilbur for your contributions to the BR game and to yours and his service to the USA.
Good thing I read this

I was going to try to break loose from my fishing down here to do a shoot. Good thing I read this, didn't know about the format change and would have showed up on Friday afternoon all dressed up and no place to go.

Trolling in the Gulf of Mexico by Tom, on Flickr
this is starting to sound more like a reunion than a match. i will really miss this one bad.

Ray, yeah a reunion of folks that take no prisoners when they say "commence fire". Or as they say in LA, "commence FAR".
Haven't seen you in a long while Ray, glad your doing okay! Like Jim said, shoot one early (and bring us some steaks).
Charlie Hood
Don't fear the rain!

Saturday afternoon here at the range, still raining and supposed to rain through tomorrow, but it's a slow steady rain, not a deluge. The rivers and creeks are staying down and even if it floods any tomorrow things will be fine by Tuesday morning. Roads and bridges are all clear as well, so no excuses!!
Saturday afternoon here at the range, still raining and supposed to rain through tomorrow, but it's a slow steady rain, not a deluge. The rivers and creeks are staying down and even if it floods any tomorrow things will be fine by Tuesday morning. Roads and bridges are all clear as well, so no excuses!!

Jim, I just looked at the radar (Sunday am). I hope your prediction is correct and the radar is wrong.

There was a fellow talking about meeting me there but I forgot who it was. I'm quittin' work this coming Monday and can make it if my old Cadillac will run. I've got a BRAND NEW Mini Cooper but that's not a good thing to drive to a shootin' match. BTW - don't mention the Mini again until I get over the remorse. Had fun driving it home but that's about it!!

Come on down Wilbur! Haven't seen you in a year of Sundays! Looking forward to it.
Weather is going to be fine

Weather Channel shows rain chances to be 20% Monday and down to 0% by Wednesday. Temps mid 50s to mid 70s. Sounds like perfect early autumn weather. I'll be there Tuesday...see y'all there.

Drive down and shoot! You never shoot before a shoot any way. You will do great as always. I can always lend you a left handed gun if required and still have some of Brady's bullets you prefer.
Brady is here and going to shoot!
Roger Avery, Buddy Ross, The Hoods, Greg, Frank
The camper area is starting to fill, the gate is open
No excuse not to come!
Bill Greene
Brady is here and going to shoot!
Roger Avery, Buddy Ross, The Hoods, Greg, Frank
The camper area is starting to fill, the gate is open
No excuse not to come!
Bill Greene

Summers will be there about 10am Thursday and I should be there 5 hours later if he calls and has us a spot. I'm not parking across the road or at the next range so save us a spot!

Full house at River Bend

Summers called me about 9:30AM from River Bend. The parking area is full to overflow. Looks like it is going to be a big event. Great.

Have a fun shoot guys and gals. Jim Andress , Bill Dittman and the crew at River Bend know how to run a great shoot.

See you in the Spring.

The parking area is full to overflow. Looks like it is going to be a big event. Great....See you in the Spring.

A full parking area is a lame excuse for not attending the "big event" -- come on down and enjoy the fun. I'll be glad to carry your stuff around.
A full parking area is a lame excuse for not attending the "big event" -- come on down and enjoy the fun. I'll be glad to carry your stuff around.

I appreciate the offer Bill, but it takes a spot 37' long and 20' wide for me to park. That would block the road to the other ranges.

Besides, I'm already hooked to the Bass boat and as soon as it gets light enough for me to see i'm off.
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