South creek shoot June 11th and 12th change in rotation



I received a lot of comments from Shooters that it would make more sense to do a yardage rotation rather then a agg rotation. I would have to agree also. Especially if it will bring more Shooters to the charity match. Please respond with comments or concerns.
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No agg rotation, need less flags, less energy spent, more shooters will come for sure

I received a lot of comments from Shooters that it would make more sense to do a yardage rotation rather then a agg rotation. I would have to agree also. Specially if it will bring more Shooters to the charity match. Please respond with comments or concerns.
YES, yardage rotation much easier on everybody.
One year, after much complaining ,Jack Deming asked for a show of hands."who would be in favor of a yardage rotation next year ? ". Every body raised their hand. The following year the agg rotation remained in effect. Nobody said a word.
P.S very happy you are continuing to hold BR matches at South Creek.
Yes yardage rotation please

Us old fat guys are going to pass on quick enough!
Just my opinion but a lot of the guys feel the same way.

Good move, Jason...

There has been a small, but powerful group of outspoken diehard IBS people in northern Pa and southern NY who were firmly entrenched in doing things the "old" way for many, many years. The "old" way was a full bench rotation at ALL IBS group matches. I will never forget the IBS annual meeting when Jim Borden made the proposal to do things a "new" way - agg rotation or yardage rotation, only. In my opinion, it was one helluva gesture on his part; because in doing so, he was potentially going to cross some of his very close friends of many years. Jim's motion passed; but there remained some who were bitter and interested in making things as difficult as possible under the guise of "leveling the playing field"...
Nearly everyone that I know of who are playing the game today are more than willing to take their chances with their bench assignment in the interest of reducing the amount of equipment they have to bring to matches, reducing the amount of time and aggravation it takes for the additional flag setting at matches, and the same consequent time and aggravation to tear down and pack up at the end of the match...
"Hats off" to you for taking over the South Creek matches, and for making the decision to accommodate shooters as you are attempting to do. I believe as others have mentioned that you will see the results of your efforts in improved attendance...
Good Luck to you!
South Creek bench rotation

Yardage rotation works for me too. It makes it easier on the shooters for needing only one set of flags, as well as only needing to set 1 set of flags. Ranges (like South Creek) built on the side of a hill requires very long flag poles. For me, I am now down 1 very long pole (one made by Danny Prett's) which was shot last Sunday at Weikert.
Well good to see its been positive so far. Hope to see a lot of people in June. This year is going to be trial by fire but I will continue to try and make it as smooth as possible and keep benchrest in South creek.
South creek June 11th and 12th change

That will work just fine.
It seems to be the norm these days. Moving at least once curb's the advantage of shooting all the way thru on 1 bench.