Source for Mitutoyo or equal .0001 indicator?

The longer lever has to move farther to move the dial the same amount, hence greater resolution. However the marking on the dial have a lesser value. Example: if I have a stylus 1" long from the pivot to the center of the ball and I move the workpiece .005, the dial will register .005. If I change to a 2" stylus and move the workpiece .005 the dial will register .0025. It has greater resolution but the dial is not correct. To correct for the dial markings we must multiply the numeric values by the ratio of the stylus length increase, in the example above, you would double the values.

I'd call that lower resolution with the longer stylus.

We could also look at it another way, say we left the stylus alone and went from a 1" diameter dial with a hash mark every degree around the circumference of the dial. Now we increase the dial to 10", still with hash marks every degree around the circumference. It will be far easier to read between the hash marks on the 10" dial than it will on the 1" with the same amount of stylus movement, or a higher resolution.
From what I can find out the Intrepid .0005 is all I can find with a 2.75" long point
Is that right?

Tim, look in the box Terry is bringing.

Next, on the Interapid indicator, THEY ARE THE VERY BEST, go to for all the different models. dial diameters, probe lengths, and resolutions. Trouble with the 0.0005" resolution is that model only has about 0.016" travel in both directions. You can easily read to the nearest 0.0001" with a 0.0005" resolution and the 1-1/2' dial.
This is only true if you can find a model 310-B1. The data shown on the long island indicator chart below is for the newer Model 312's.

Next, on the longer probes, with a longer probe the dial is showing only a fraction of the actual probe tip travel. If you want the actual movement amount you have to do the trigonometry!

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So sorry
I guess i missed you admitting your error in all those words.

So the thing to do, is to buy a indicator with a long arm and not worry about calculating values ?

I think that is what has been said several times.

I believe Gort is correct.
Completely out of context
While that post maybe correct,
his earlier ones were wrong.
Instead of admitting his error,
he posted a correct statement,
completely ignoring his earlier errors.

I think we all agree, he FINALLY got it correct.

In following the thread you will see the poster bought/asked about
a indicator with a long point as original need for math.

I believe Gort is correct.
Actually, I don't care,

as long as the needle comes to the same point, that's all the matters. I know this has already been said. But really zero runout is zero runout. And besides, do you really think .0001 or .0002 makes any difference? I have never seen it in the barrels I have chambered, and I have done quite a few. I have the tools to measure alot closer than .0001 but why?? That's just time spent chasing your tail for bragging rights.

Richard Brensing
as long as the needle comes to the same point, that's all the matters. I know this has already been said. But really zero runout is zero runout. And besides, do you really think .0001 or .0002 makes any difference? I have never seen it in the barrels I have chambered, and I have done quite a few. I have the tools to measure alot closer than .0001 but why?? That's just time spent chasing your tail for bragging rights.

Richard Brensing

A lot of people talk .0001, but damn few can machine to it.
From Long Island Indicator

Interapid 312B-15

Horizontal model 312B-15 with 2.75" long contact point. See ordering chart above or, for the vertical version see the chart below. There is no metric equivalent for this long point model and it is only available with .0005" graduations.
You can request this indicator with a custom 5.5" extra long point in which case the graduations on the indicator are equal to .001" You'll have to make sure that whoever uses this indicator knows about the change. Attaching a tag to the indicator isn't a bad idea. This extra long point is not sanctioned by the manufacturer, so if you use it, all guarantees of accuracy are void. Customers who have used this special item report that the indicator works fine and that accuracy is not compromised. Be aware that we can not accept returns on this item if you decide that it doesn't meet your needs.
• Special horizontal 5.5" model 312B-15X (74111965X) ... $435.00 order now
• Special vertical 5.5" model 312B-15VX (74111958X) ... $435.00 order now
If you want to buy the extra long contact point only, please see page 21.

This should answer any questions concerning increasing point length.

A. Weldy
Interesting threads, all! I have an "Ideal," which has been retired, and a couple of "Last Words," which I much prefer. :cool:
Interesting threads, all! I have an "Ideal," which has been retired, and a couple of "Last Words," which I much prefer. :cool:
Last Words are good indicators for certain applications but their small dial size and lack of a selection of probes long enough for some chambers limit their use, IMO, for barrel clambering. Unknown to some, the "Last Word" was an Independant company. I have Last Words from Starrett and Lufkin.

It appears to me that a lot of people missed the last line of the opening post.

"Looking for the long stem for long reach into bore as well "
It appears to me that a lot of people missed the last line of the opening post.

"Looking for the long stem for long reach into bore as well "

And your issue is??

The Interapids on the Long Island Indicator site go to 5". Is that not enough???

Besides, check with the OP, I sent him a box of indicators including an Interapid!

Another person with reading issues.(see POST 14)
I already posted...the 5" indicator is 0.001, NOT WHAT THE OP ASKED.

And your issue is??

The Interapids on the Long Island Indicator site go to 5". Is that not enough???

Besides, check with the OP, I sent him a box of indicators including an Interapid!

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I see your childish behavior continues.
Name calling is the sign of a true adult.
While i do not know Mike, I do see he has the most popular thread
on the site. Close to 500 posts and over 130,000 views.
You on the other hand, stretch your friendship with Wilbur, with
abusive childish behavior.
Just found my first candidate for the ignore list.

PK, Mike the stool.I see where you are coming from!!

I use Interapid indicators and also have a Mitutoyo indicator. I prefer the Interapid to the Mitutoyo mainly because I'm more used to using it. Turn an adjustment screw one way on the chuck and the indicator will move the way you want. Switch to the other make and it will move opposite for the same adjustment. Just makes it simpler to pick one make and stick with it. I have a .0005" Interapid with the 2 5/8" point and several .0001" Interapids with the point that comes on them. When you change points to a longer point, you lose resolution. For instance, with the point that is about 1.5" long instead of the point that is half that length, indicate in a rod for .001" runout with the 1.5" point. When you switch to the short point it will show close to .002" runout. I figure that the .0005" indicator with the 2 5/8" point is actually the same indicator as the .0001" indicator with standard point, just with a different dial and calibration on the dial. With a .0005" indicator and the long point, I quit adjusting the barrel when I get the indicator to read at the same hash mark for each groove of the barrel. Won't get into the how's or which camp is better on how to indicate in a barrel. One of the least expensive places I've found to get Interapid indicators is Enco and watch their sales catalogs. Quite often you can save $100 on an indicator there by watching their sales. FWIW, when indicating in a barrel for a PPC, I'll use the indicator with a point that is somewhere around 1.5" in length. Don't remember for sure the actual length of the points. Looked at them on MSC and was a little shocked at their price now as to when I bought mine. But, what's new there? It seems anything you buy anymore is higher than it was a few years ago, except gasoline.

Enco Interapid with 2.675" point

MSC same indicator as Enco
I think long island indicator sells the basic points for $28 up to 5.5". Carbide and ruby is higher of course