Soros disarming USA

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If all of your comments are true why are all politicians and unions exempting themselves from it?? I heard that when the trade aggrements were signed they would be good for us....where have our jobs gone?? I read in the news today that Nancy Pelosi made $5 million dollars in Asia.....what's that old saying about someone that is urinating on your pants leg and telling you that it's raining...well your not using my pants leg!!!
Have we ever signed a treaty that benefited our country?? People must realize that most of the countries at the UN are they want their people to have weapons?? Many of our gunmakers sell weapons overseas, which enables them to bring in revenue for our country and their I'll ask you again...who benefits from this treaty?? I don't hate Obama I hate socialism and any American in their right mind should!!
I'll take a swing at this:


The Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act ensures hard-working, middle class families will get the security they deserve and protects every American from the worst insurance company abuses.

Lets millions of young adults stay on parent's insurance until age 26......thus increasing the number on family plans...thus increasing the cost of operating the insurance..thus increasing the cost to the end

Ends insurance company power to cap the amount of care a person can receive in their lifetime....Actually this is false. It trys to say that but makes it unenforceable.

Stops insurance companies from cancelling coverage when someone gets sick....see above...sure it does but still allows the lifetime cap because it's unenforceable.

Lowers the cost of care for those on Medicare and helps seniors save money on their medication.....remember the prescription bill...when the demo's got involved...they made it complicated and did it work out for you.

Requires insurance companies to cover preventive services like mammograms free of charge....most insurance pays for a lot of preventive insurance anyway.

Strengthens and protects Medicare by increasing penalties for's always been doesn't target those who are illegally getting it...just those who bill it illegally.

Stops insurance companies from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions....true.

Ends insurance company power to jack up rates without works like the electric companies, has that worked out.

Provides Americans with rebates from insurers who spend too much on CEO bonuses or ads....false

Gives tax credits to small business owners so they can afford to offer quality health care for forces small businesses to provide insurance they can't afford to full time employess...thus the companies are forced to keep employees from being full time so they don't have to provide insurance. This just leads to people not working as many hours and still don't have insurance.

Builds and improves hundreds of community health centers....yeah...sure. and if it does...who pays.

Gives hard-working Americans tax credits so they can afford insurance beginning in 2014....Hard working americans have to pay for the program a heck of a lot more than the credits...kinda of like clinton and social security...repubs said they would increase it 3% (back in 1992) and clinton said he would increase it 5%...but then he taxed it 7%. Demo's screwed the old out of 2% (5% swing) and they thought it was great.

Ends discrimination against adults with pre-existing conditions beginning in 2014....possibly...haven't been able to find the fine print on that one yet.

****Also...most insurance companies have said that they expect a 200-300 percent increase in premiums over the next few years plus the taxes the hard working americans havet to pay for free loaders (people who are on it that shouldn't be) and a 18% reduction in disposable income is expected. Also...remember how part of it was to be paid for by additional fees..above those mentioned...for those with good/luxury insurance policies..funny how the demo unions, etc got a free wavier....that sure sounds socially fair"

Sheesh any thing to hate Obama... This is the ACA in a nut shell.[/QUOTE]

Just like the clinton/demo deregulation of the banking/insurance industry in 1994 that caused the finacial collaspe in the housing industry by allowing underwater loans, insurance on the loans that were invested back into the instutions giving the loans....this will eventually cause the same thing. Sounds great....finacially devestating.

The biggest problem with liberalism is before long you run out of other peoples money....that's why we are borrowing $.40 on the dollar to keep this ship afloat and the lib's want to give away more "Free Stuff" as they call it!! Obama's goal is to destroy this country through entitlements.....look at Gina...he's like a lot of these other democrats he loves "Free Stuff" but he doesn't realize he's giving away his "Freedoms"...and his children's futures!
The biggest problem with liberalism is before long you run out of other peoples money....that's why we are borrowing $.40 on the dollar to keep this ship afloat and the lib's want to give away more "Free Stuff" as they call it!! Obama's goal is to destroy this country through entitlements.....look at Gina...he's like a lot of these other democrats he loves "Free Stuff" but he doesn't realize he's giving away his "Freedoms"...and his children's futures!


As I've said "Don't confuse me with the fact's, I've made up my mind."

What a closed mind you have. First I'm not a "he" but a she.. You can't even tell the difference between a man's name and a woman's name. Dumb ...

Also I'm retired and on SS. Entitlements... bull-hit. I worked for more than 40 years and paid into the system. I'm sure you feel the same way about your military service, you earned it. You have been listening to way to much Fox News.
What in your right mind (if there is one) makes you think Obama wants to destroy this country. The Patriot Act, took away much more of our freedoms than the democrats ever did, and that was under a republican administration and "W" as POTUS.
I watch a lot of C-SPAN, and I have seen time after time the Republicans defeat a number of Obama's programs, just to make him look bad, even though the programs would have gotten people working in this county. Why ?? just to make him a one term president. (and damn the american people)

Get you head out of your butt and look around.
Fed programs :Johnson's the "Great Society" has turned us into a disaster, the "War on Poverty" has only created more of it, since the number of people in poverty is always rising, we spent more on education per student than any other country (except Switzerland), yet rank in the lower third of other countries based on test results.
Despite all their claims, when has more government solved a social problem? It takes 2 1/2 WORKING Americans to support one person on Social Security....and that ratio is dropping fast......the math proves the FACTS.....We Do Not Have The Money To Create this Panacea where everyone has equal and unlimited H/C, subsidized housing, free cell phones, unlimited Assistance with free food, assistance for home heating bills (LIHEAP),...2 years of unemployment benefits, jobs programs to train for jobs where the market is already saturated, tax free-income for aliens who start their own business....
If this AHA stands, we will loose most of Americas DOERS, and create a nation of TAKERS........Gina said it best ......"this is a good deal for ME"
Sorry for assuming you were a man...most lib's have names that I can't pronounce or can't write and many haven't figured out what sex they are yet. Barney Frank is a great example. I don't take any news as fact until I see the results...If you can show me ANY govenment program that hasn't been a disaster for our country and EVER came in under budget I'll eat your hat...if you wear one. Apparently you assume a whole lot ....did I say I was a republican and if I didn't have a brain I would be voting for a democrat. I'm 64 and I am not on Social Security I work...which is an oddity in this administration. I agree with you SS is not an entitlement and I plan on using it one day if the politicians don't figure out a way to give the rest of it away before I retire. Sounds like you love to give money away and I encourage you to do that, but allow us to pick and choose who we would like to support. If you like a leader that's a communist maybe you need to go to China or Cuba, but the rest of us are going to do all we can to throw our communist leader out of office!
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