Soros disarming USA

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Thank Obama and remember this when you vote in 2012
Disarming America .
Marlin Firearms bought out by Soros
Marlin Firearms is already closing its doors! They are doing it to us, America! Even if you do not own a gun you need to know this. This needs to be spread to all gun owners and sportsman. We cannot rely on the media to inform us of these types of matters.
Something You May Not Know That Is Happening
Who is buying companies, manufacturing guns??? For the last several years a company called The Freedom Group has been buying up gun and ammunition manufacturers. Some of the companies are Bushmaster, Marlin, Remington, DPMS, Dakota Arms and H&R. Some people worry that this Freedom Group is going to control most of the firearms companies in the United States . If you control the manufacturers you can decide to stop selling to civilians.
What a perfect way to control guns.
Now if you do some digging you will see that The Freedom Group is owned by a company called Cerberus Capital Management. Guess who controls Cerberus??? GEORGE SOROS!!! He wants to restrict or ban all civilian guns.
Please pass this on to all your freedom loving friends. This needs to come out. Why have we not heard about this in the "mainstream" media? I would think this would be BIG news. (Soros also owns Progressive Insurance). If you don't know who George Soros is, you need to do some Research. He backed Obama with millions of dollars and Obama is a puppet on a string controlled by Soros.
Send this to every gun owner in America .

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I'm all for doing anything to keep Obama from being re-elected--BUT. This story is an old one going back a couple of years and has been investigated by the NRA and sevreal others and has been proven to be complete BS. I even have a letter in response to an inquery I made myself into this story saying it was not the truth, from the NRA. A simple search on the net today will bring up pages about this old rumor.
Yes there is a threat as Snuffy posts. But that threat is not just to "taking our guns", its from taking our National sovereignty.

The 1950 book by Col John Beaty, "Iron Curtain Over America" explains this threat well. This book and its reprints are available i hard-copy from Amazon and others, or, it is available on-line from several sources. The source below, the PDF version is easiest to read.

BTW, this archive source offers other interesting and historical readings.,aps,370
This story is an old one going back a couple of years and has been investigated by the NRA and sevreal others and has been proven to be complete BS. I even have a letter in response to an inquery I made myself into this story saying it was not the truth, from the NRA. A simple search on the net today will bring up pages about this old rumor.

Best I can tell, Truth has never interested conservatives. The only thing they care about is winning elections. Much the same for the liberals, though perforce, since they want to achieve some things, it's is not all about winning for them. The conservatives have an advantage, as they don't want to do anything.

Before suggesting some generalized puff answer of "restoring American values," read a little history. Tell me which 20-30 year period. "Core American values" have changed tremendously in 2 plus centuries, and not all at once.

I hope you mean the values of the founding fathers, the framers of the constitution, because then you guys that rent or have a mortgage can't vote. You can talk, that's it. Go look it up.
Best I can tell, Truth has never interested...........
Before suggesting some generalized puff answer of "restoring American values," read a little history. Tell me which 20-30 year period. "Core American values" have changed tremendously in 2 plus centuries, and not all at once.


Adding to the "American Values" thing, and not being anti-American in what we expect those values to be, in the past 100 years or so and under a false banner of Bringing Democracy to the World, the people who actually run our foreign policy and their international allies have caused the deaths of about 80 million people since the turn of the twentieth century......look that up too!!
Believe we covered that in Post #5 -- unless you *trust* people who we all agree lie, cheat, and steal...

Dennis, I'm afraid you're gonna need a bigger hat...

Charles, I don't know about you but I wish Dennis Sorenson would post his intent or message of his continued posting of a tinfoil hat!!

As to Snopes it is already well known that Snopes is another product of the Soros NWO machine, as is his super PAC American Bridge among others he is party to.
In my post speaking to the fact that this story is complettly without value, I did not mention SNOPES. I look at anything coming from this Left Wing group with a jaundiced eye. I personally quoted the NRA --National Rifle Association as my source into this false rumor. I also look hard at a story coming from the NRA, they are not the best source either, but they at least hold the same basic principles that I do and I believe are our best hope when it comes to the second ammendment.

There are plenty of groups and people that would like to see the American citizen disarmed. We as the current stewards of the second ammendment have plenty of real storys and attemp's at those freedoms. We certainly do not need these false Rumors to cloud the real truth ( what ever that is ) and change our focus into what might really be going on.

I also didn't know Soros was involved in any way with Snopes and I am very well read . So it is certainly not a "WELL" known "FACT" as far as I know. if it is so well known lets see some Facts supporting that. Until then right here on this thread are two rumors to cloud what ever the real truth may or may not be.

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tinfoil hat:


metaphorically, a hat made of tinfoil that people who subscribe to conspiracy theories wear, to prevent electromagnetic signals from being beamed into their brain.

If it fits, feel free to wear it.

Roland, I'll presume. I think we see the world in a similar way. I'm sure we would disagree on many things, but our honest evaluation of the world would be similar.

Consider that the number of us who are strongly in favor of keeping and bearing arms is not terribly large. There is a group of about equal size, for reasons they feel valid, who want to limit arms as much as they can. The vast number of American voters don't really care one way or the other.

To the extent that passing a law (as opposed to a court ruling) comes into play, the stupidest thing we can do is to give evidence to that large voting pool -- that doesn't particularly care either way -- that we're crazy zealots.
Listen to Hombre,
These things going around the internet about Soros controlling or owning the Remington group or Cerebus is false. Yes, we need to be vigilante, but putting out falsehoods is the work of the liberals. We don't need to be doing that.
Blenders, toasters, washers, driers, televisions, telephones, t-shirts, bluejeans, underwear...... EVERY form of manufacturing in this country is gone or soon will be. What makes you think that guns or loading components won't be next?? Conspiracy?? It's been a long time coming. Somebody finally waking up?
Listen to Hombre,
Yes, we need to be vigilante, but putting out falsehoods is the work of the liberals. We don't need to be doing that.
Uh, Butch, you mean we need to STOP doing that. You've heard of Karl Rove, haven't you?

I don't think this thread is going to survive, We're overtaxing Wilbur's hospitality, but Andy, why do you think manufacturing has gone overseas? Vast conspiracy? Or the payscale of American workers? I can compete with Asian typesetting, but only by offering a product they don't. It's called quality, and the reason they don't offer it has nothing to do with their capabilities. It has to do with the attitude of most consumers. In my area, high-quality work is a small market, and so far, Asia hasn't bothered with it.

People who live in poverty today have a lot more material possessions than I had as a kid. A lot. Doesn't mean they don't live in poverty, it means the world has changed.
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tinfoil hat:


If it fits, feel free to wear it.

I know one place it will fit. If you will carefully roll it up, not leaving any jagged edges........

Thanks to Wilbur you are no longer a moderator!!

(bye, bye post--and that is the first Smitty has spoken in a while--shame!!)
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