Sons and Daughters


New member
As a parent, just wondering why when my son comes home from a date with his girlfriend with a big smile on his face I feel proud.

But when my daughter comes home from a date with a smile I get a bit worried.

Is it only me or is it a parent thing?

* Doggie *

As a parent, just wondering why when my son comes home from a date with his girlfriend with a big smile on his face I feel proud.

But when my daughter comes home from a date with a smile I get a bit worried.

Is it only me or is it a parent thing?

* Doggie *
When offspring go on dates

To daughter
"You be careful tonight"
To son
"Have fun tonight"
It's a parent thing......And a societal thing.... a sad statement on societal mores and the twisted messages we inflict on our young,


son, "get out there and play the field! Make us proud! Heh Heh...."

daughter, "keep your legs crossed! I don' wanna raise no grandbabbies"

it's a sick message for our kids to sort out, and has damaged several generations.
Human nature

hasn't changed any in my 77 + years or even before that. Lots of people have raised grandchildren since the beginning of time.

I always found

When offspring go on dates

To daughter
"You be careful tonight"
To son
"Have fun tonight"

this to be a mixed message as well. Young men are expected to SCORE and pushed to it or were when I was young. Now with "The Pill" realistic people make as sure as they can be they don't have to bring up grandchildren. Nature drives humans to IT and there is no denying IT will happen. There are always exceptions BUT>

I suspect there are, and were, plenty of young men who do/did not fit that description.

I didn't

and don't

and my 5 sons are gentlemen everywhere and in every way, absolutely trustworthy in any and all situations. They were raised with complete instructions as was I..... that taking a woman out more than once is unfair to both parties unless you're solidly convinced that that woman is fit to raise your children......and although we've all taken arm candy to social functions never has any of us taken advantage of any woman, anywhere. Nor allowed ourselves to be taken advantage of.

I realize that all of my opinions make most "men" uncomfortable, and that on a lizard level most believe that "rites of passage" should include booze, hookers and blow, that smoking is cool and raising hell is part of becoming a "man".........but I will never waver from what I was taught, ie that worms in the gutter, dogs on the street and animals of all sorts can figure out how to get on with it but only civilized men and women can ever rise above base behavior and that this rising above is what distinguishes us from animals. I did and DO make my Mother, a woman, proud.

And I'll have a smoke

and a beer

and a joke

but I will NEVER take advantage of the weaker sex. Nor condone it.
I didn't

and don't

and my 5 sons are gentlemen everywhere and in every way, absolutely trustworthy in any and all situations. They were raised with complete instructions as was I..... that taking a woman out more than once is unfair to both parties unless you're solidly convinced that that woman is fit to raise your children......and although we've all taken arm candy to social functions never has any of us taken advantage of any woman, anywhere. Nor allowed ourselves to be taken advantage of.

I realize that all of my opinions make most "men" uncomfortable, and that on a lizard level most believe that "rites of passage" should include booze, hookers and blow, that smoking is cool and raising hell is part of becoming a "man".........but I will never waver from what I was taught, ie that worms in the gutter, dogs on the street and animals of all sorts can figure out how to get on with it but only civilized men and women can ever rise above base behavior and that this rising above is what distinguishes us from animals. I did and DO make my Mother, a woman, proud.

And I'll have a smoke

and a beer

and a joke

but I will NEVER take advantage of the weaker sex. Nor condone it.

Thanks Al.
Your words would solve a lot of today problems....very profound....
guy stufff

My dad never thought that females were some kind of trophy. I better not get myself into something I couldnt get myself out of. I never felt comfortable talking about stuff like that around my parents anyway. Ill have on of Als beers and get off my soapbox.Doug
.......................... I never felt comfortable talking about stuff like that around my parents anyway.................

This is such a big deal :

I was blessed with parents that took each of us 8 kids aside individually to absolutely assure us that not only were they "there for us to talk to" but that they'd be hurt if we ever felt uncomfortable talking about ANYTHING.... anything at all..... no limits and no fear.

We've done this with our brood and the kids are doing it with their kids. No boundaries.

If I followed in Art Linkletter's footsteps with 'Kids Say The Darnedest Things' a lot of my stories would be X-rated in most people's books. Consequently my kids and grandkids are absolute pillars of society..... functional, honest and completely trustworthy, and able to name body parts without blushing. The only downside is that body humor and fart jokes fall kinda' flat around here LOL

It's OK, we find other things funny.
I worked on the genealogy

of two of my family line last winter. Two of my families have been in this country since the 1600's and have been in Maine since the 1750's. Interesting that in some of the information I found was the fact that one of my aunts in 1760 married a young man and gave birth to their son on Christmas day of that year, ergo my comment about human nature. Those people in those time were as religious as it gets. Human nature acts, in spite of instruction by others. It's just a fact and has been since humans started conjugating.

interesting that in some of the information I found was the fact that one of my aunts in 1760 married a young man and gave birth to their son on Christmas day of that year, ergo my comment about human nature. Those people in those time were as religious as it gets.

What's interesting about that fact?
......... Those people in those time were as religious as it gets.......

I've never understood folks conflating "religion" with maturity......

For a civilization to succeed the citizenry must be capable of transcending tribalism.

Tribalism can only be replaced by mature adults facing the future with vision and preparing for it. And by these mature adults passing it on, training the upcoming generation.......And yes Christianity allows for this, teaches this ("turns the world upside down") and has been wildly successful. It is responsible for the creation of "capitalism" which allows normal people to succeed without trampling their fellows (tribalism) .... until now. WE as in OUR GENERATION as in the folks reading this forum have been reverting to tribalism (selfishness) , ignoring the edict to pass on values.

A typical "man" today is uncomfortable with passing on basic moral precepts, preferring instead to define "manliness" by values best left in the schoolyard sandbox.

We absolutely do "reap what we sow" in this life and we're reaping the fruits of the values we planted. Back in the time Pete refers to people "looked down on" reprehensible behaviour and turned away to higher principles in the main...... Now we're celebrating bas behaviour as never before in our country.

This is not a surprise.

It is inevitable,

and sad to watch.

Thomas Sowell writes "one of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain."

In other words, "men" have become whiny bitches and "kardashians" are looked up to

In a world run by "feelings" civilization will fall.

When I was about nine yrs old our septic system plugged...... my father stripped down to his skivvies and crawled into the tank......he stuffed his "feelings" and dove in for the greater good of his family because he knew it was right. And he had me help because he knew that passing it on was right.

My Dad was a MAN.

Another thing about the old man.... I never once saw him leave a room because "he didn't like" somebody. Agree/disagree "like" didn't enter into adult talk.

Dad was on the school board, town councils and various civic boards because he felt a duty toward his group, his town, his corner of civilization.

He was often the only adult in the room, standing alone on the Word of God against softening the rules.....

And he owned everything he ever said, even when his beliefs changed he never deleted.

This is profound.