Something to lift the winter dolrums


That one put a smile on my face. Now back to my Alexander Kieths and neck turning. See you in Calgary

Maybe see you before

then if you decide to go to the East/West in St. Louis.

I was thinking the Cactus but just do not feel comfortable enough to fly with my gear. I decided St.Louis is the place after hearing how much you enjoyed it. I figure I can drive it in about 17 hours. I drove back from Mill Creek in exactly 14 hours so I figure it is about 3 hours more to St.Louis.

Booked my holidays around the East/West and the Nationals in Calgary. Drive down to St.Louis and hope to be there for Thursday AM. Shoot Thursday/Friday practice if they will let a redneck Canadian into the USA. The match Sat/ Sun. Leave Monday AM or whenever as long as I am in Calgary by Friday AM. Will give me some trigger time before the AGM.

Anyhow, that song makes me smile every time I hear it....................... WE HAVE STRONGER BEER.


from someone close to the CAD border (St. Stephen), you all got it right when it comes to beer! Moosehead from St. John is fine drinking! --Greg
Don't worry about flying with guns to the USA. I have been doing alot the last few years. I have had alot of good conversations with US border officials, as most are shooters and are interested in the competition rifles. Never had and airline problem either. I am planning on the East West if I can get flights set up as I am trying to get to the SS and chipewa in May. I won't get the time to drive to St Louis this year. I like traveling to shoot with our friends down south even if I have to bring my own beer.
