Some thoughts on bullet making.

George,that is what I am getting on these .925 30’s about 2/3 way up the jacket. Some are really good, some not so good.

Jackie, Around Feb my house goes, really dry....25%. And I was getting cases stuck to punch. And stuck in the point up die. Got a pic of my thumb trying to wrestle a press. Perfect 6mm hole through my Thumb nail.
Called George. I was using his formula of 50% lanolin and 50% Vasoline...
I switched to lanolin and castor oil. Works great.
It was a couple of calls to Lowell Hottenstein and George Ulrich. To figure this out.....
On the topic of imbalance and or dispersion:

My thoughts on this are any irregular lead bleed by in the core seated jacket will be very detrimental to the balance of the spinning bullet, and of course, accuracy.

I have read about issues with jacket wall thickness, possible air pockets between jacket and core and core movement during point up but, as to core uniformity other than Vaughn I have not heard any concerns. Just wondering about miss distance values and flyers coming from the lack of core homogeneity and or uniformity? Is this in the - being to anal – category?

i have read about issues with jacket wall thickness, possible air pockets between jacket and core and core movement during point up but, as to core uniformity other than vaughn i have not heard any concerns. Just wondering about miss distance values and flyers coming from the lack of core homogeneity and or uniformity? Is this in the - being to anal – category?

the question of too much bleed by has not been proven to hurt acuary the tests i made and doc. Matretzos xray. Prove4d that.
I have read about issues with jacket wall thickness, possible air pockets between jacket and core and core movement during point up but, as to core uniformity other than Vaughn I have not heard any concerns. Just wondering about miss distance values and flyers coming from the lack of core homogeneity and or uniformity? Is this in the - being to anal – category?


You squish that lead and stretch that jacket .005-.008", that lead ain't going no where. And it is shaped by the jacket and Core seat die.
I have cut the jacket off some. Chucked up the bullet in a drill and used a hack saw to cut with. And had to use 2 pair of vise grips to pry the jacket off. Vise grips against each other....
I am sure eventually, there might be some oxidation to form a bond....That might take years. Or maybe not. there may not be enough O2 to start that....
And most BR bullets are not around very long.....
To clarify my poorly worded question: Have any bullet makers associated any relation between bullet imbalance and the Quality of the lead wire? - Homogeneous make up and purity.

to clarify my poorly worded question: Have any bullet makers associated any relation between bullet imbalance and the quality of the lead wire? - homogeneous make up and purity.

i have used from pure lead up to 6 percent and they all shot well. 6 percent antiimony
bleedby is only that great when you maqking to heavy of bullet for 6 ppc or 6 br.

these were someone else's bullets.....4 people tried to get them to shoot one day....
After a couple of groups, we noticed lead coming out of the hole...we stopped and split them up for fireforming.
[quote when i first did 22s i used rcbs blt. Dies to core seat i only had one punch but hadnew detch pt. Die
bleed by was terrible i made 100 went to match on sunday at 200yd' 1st. Group .210 other 4 were good
what can you say about bleed by dr. Maretzo xrayed 30 bullet makers and bleed by was trrible and these were top winners. Who knows.=jackie schmidt;842259]one of the byproducts of the tomball gun club being shut down for renovation and matches being canceled because of covid is we all have time to sit around and really confuse our minds with ideas and experiments.

One i have been playing around with is bullet core seating.

It is understood that when core seating, you want to arrive and the proper diameter of the cored jacket, the proper amount of core pressure, and the “just right” amount of lead bleed by at the punch.

The last one really bugs me. Ideally, it would seem that the least amount of bleed by while getting the first two right would be ideal.

Here is what i am running into. I open a new lot of jackets, and through trial and error, arrive at the correct punch size and core seating pressure. You start seating cores, and then jackets start staying on the punch. You check for lead buildup on the punch. None. With a magnifier, you look in the jacket to see uneven lead bleed by and on some, evidence that the punch is too tight. You try a .0005 smaller punch. The bleed by is excessive. You go back to the othe punch, and find that 2/3 of the core seated jackets are perfect, but 1/3 are terrible. Sticking to the punch, uneven lead bleed by, etc.

What he heck is going on.

The answer. Inconsistent jacket wall thickness. So i made a little rig with a “tenth” indicator to see if i could accurately ascertain the wall thickness variations in a bucket of jackets. This is no easy task considering the taper inside the jacket.

What i found is disturbing. The best jackets are running .0002 or better in wall thickness variation. But at least 1/3 of those tested are showing as much as .0004 to .0005 variation.

When test coring these up, these are the ones getting irregular bleed by and sticking to the punch.

We are trying to make top quality benchrest quality bullets. It all starts with the jacket.

I am a little disappointed in the quality of the 15,000 i have on hand. I guess the next step is to physically check every jacket for wall consistency.

Or just say to heck with it.

My thoughts on this are any irregular lead bleed by in the core seated jacket will be very detrimental to the balance of the spinning bullet, and of course, accuracy.
george,that is what i am getting on these .925 30’s about 2/3 way up the jacket. Some are really good, some not so good.
some try heavier lub sucfh as s t pand light very light you have less trouble re lub with lanoli and neats oil very little in zip lock for 20 to 30 min. Works great.
[/quote] once i as asked for order of boatails when i got to the range the man came to me i said there in back seat of my car hrs later when i went to my car the bullets were on front seat with a note said they didnt spin very good so next day i shot them and shot 2 zs in one agg.