Some facts & figures. I had no idea.

SOOOO..according to you Mr D. we shouldn't have defeated the Japs....that's makes as much sense as everything else you say.


We learned after WWI that you can't just sit iddley by and let the rest of the world do as they please. Eventually it will come back to bite you and maybe even destroy you if you look at Germany and how they bounced back to fight us again in WWII. Now if you ask me, we pounded them in WWI, and cleaned up the mess all to well by helping rebuild their country. Most other countries would have not done so, and probably would have taken over Germany. Our government chose to turn their heads about what was going on and tried to stay out of it only to realize the enemy is not running, but coming to get you eventually. You have got to learn to fight fire with fire when it comes time. And when you don't your fire may become only a spark. Then it is too late.

I'm not the biggest Bush fan, I've said that many of times here. But I will give him credit about making America safer than it was since 9/11. He also under his power captured Suddam Hussein.