Some facts & figures. I had no idea.



These are the accurate figures - Check them out,
but more importantly - remember them on Election Day (To verify = Congressional Research Link at bottom )

The source for the data is a report prepared for Congress, link at the
bottom. Please take time to read the email and the source document.

Military Losses, 1980 thru 2007
Whatever your politics, however you lean, and however you feel about the
current administration, this report should open some eyes. Military losses,
1980 through 2007.

As tragic as the loss of any member of the US Armed Forces is, consider
the following statistics:
The annual fatalities of military members while
actively serving in the armed forces from 1980 through 2006 - by any cause.
1980 ......... 2,392 ( Carter Year )
1981 .......... 2,380 ( Reagan Year)
1984 .......... 1,999 ( Reagan Year)
1988 .......... 1,819 ( Reagan Year)
1989 .......... 1,636 ( George H W Year )
1990 .......... 1,508 ( George H W Year )
1991 ......... 1,787 ( George H W Year )
1992 .......... 1,293 ( George H W Year )
1993 .......... 1,213 ( Clinton Year)
1994 .......... 1,075 ( Clinton Year)
1995 ......... 2,465 ( Clinton Year)
1996 .......... 2,318 ( Clinton Year)
1997 .......... 817 ( Clinton Year)
1998 .......... 2,252 ( Clinton Year)
1999 .......... 1,984 ( Clinton Year)
2000 ...........1,983 ( Clinton Year)
2001 ............ 890 ( George W Year )
2002 .......... 1,007 ( George W Year )
2003 .......... 1,410 ( George W Year )
2004 .......... 1,887 ( George W Year )
2005 ............ 919 ( George W Year )
2006............. 920 ( George W Year )
2007............. 899 ( George W Year )

Clinton years (1993-2000): 14,107 deaths
George W years (2001-2007): 7,932 deaths

If you are surprised when you look at these figures, so was I. These
figures mean that the loss from the two latest conflicts in the Middle East
Are LESS than the loss of military personnel during Bill Clinton 's presidency;
when America wasn't even involved in a war! (Unless you include Bosnia or
the disgrace of Mogadishu, Somalia when Clinton failed to respond to terrorists;
Remember "Blackhawk Down"?)

And, I was even more shocked when I read that in 1980, during the reign
of President (Nobel Peace Prize winner) Jimmy Carter , there were 2,392 US
military fatalities! From what? How?

I think that these figures indicate that many members of our Media and our
Politicians will pick and choose the information on which they report. Of course we all
know that they present only those 'facts' which support their agenda-driven
reporting. But why do so many of them march in lock-step to twist the truth? Where do so many
of them get their agenda? Obviously there is one shared agenda. Could it be from the
most powerful Democratic family of the decade?

Do you want further proof? Consider the latest census of Americans. It
shows the following FACTS about the distribution of American citizens,
by race:

European descent ..........................69.12%
Black .................... .................12.3%
Asian....................................... 3.7%
Native American............................. 1.0%
Other...................................... 2.6%

Many media lead us to feel the military death ratio is off balanced
compared to the distribution by race in America . Here are the fatalities by RACE over the
past three years in Iraqi Freedom. Do the comparison yourself.

European descent (white) ...........74.31%
Black ............................... 9.67%
Asian............................... 1.81%
Native American..................... 1.09%
Other................................ 0.33%

I was surprised again. Our mainstream media continues to spin these figures
(for political gain). Nothing more. It's all about politics.

I hope that during the time between now and November, intelligent
Americans can decipher:
the facts from the spin,
the spinners from the leaders,
those who seek even more power from those that seek justice,
and the dividers from the uniters.

Over the next months let's be good listeners and see and hear who tries to
Divide our nation; and who wants to unite our nation. Who wants to control how our
Money is spent and who wants our money spent the way we would spend it. Who seeks
power and who seeks justice? Who spins the facts and who is genuine.

(These statistics are published by Congressional Research Service, and
they may be confirmed by anyone at:

"History does not entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid." -
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Did your stats show killed in COMBAT or just "any cause"? Big difference if you are a Major in the Pentagon that dies from a heart attack than a soldier killed in combat!

Fact: In the year 1965 seven soldiers of the California National guard died in a one week period. All where accidents were in combat training in the Mojave Desert. I was there. Most were because of carelessness with military vehicles. Four were killed speeding on a dirt road in a Jeep. So what does it mean?

Fact: more than 96.7% of the people of the U.S. will die!

I think a less partisan statistic would list how many actually died in combat.

Also when discussing terms such as "putting soldiers in harms way" and "cutting and running" go back and discussion the soldiers who died under Reagan and how he packed up and left as he should have!

Let's try to be objective with statistics. I suggest you may be doing what you complained about.
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"d"........................................... .... .......

We probably did loose a lot to heart attacks during the Clinton years, when they found out we elected a draft dodger!! D....I thought lib's were concerned about ALL military deaths....not just the ones that made Bush look bad!!!!
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The information provided shows deaths of all kinds. There is a surprising number of suicides. Peace is hell or maybe early adulthood is.

Concho Bill
Deaths Accident Hostile
Action Homicide Illness Pending Self
1980 2,392 1,556 174 419 231 1 11
1981 2,380 1,524 145 457 241 13
1982 2,319 1,495 108 446 254 16
1983 2,465 1,413 18 115 419 218 263 19
1984 1,999 1,293 1 84 374 225 6 16
1985 2,252 1,476 111 363 275 5 22
1986 1,984 1,199 2 103 384 269 27
1987 1,983 1,172 37 104 383 260 2 25
1988 1,819 1,080 90 321 285 17 26
1989 1,636 1,000 23 58 294 224 37
1990 1,507 880 74 277 232 1 43
1991 1,787 931 147 112 308 256 33
1992 1,293 676 109 252 238 1 17
1993 1,213 632 86 221 236 29 9
1994 1,075 544 83 206 232 10
1995 1,040 538 67 174 250 7 4
1996 974 527 1 52 173 188 19 14
1997 817 433 42 170 159 13
1998 827 445 26 168 10 161 3 14
1999 796 436 37 150 13 145 15
2000 758 398 34 138 151 17 20
2001 891 434 3 49 187 1 141 55 21
2002 999 542 18 53 194 4 162 26
2003 1,228 576 343 42 234 5 186 24
2004 1,874 605 739 45 272 4 201 7
2005 1,942 644 739 52 289 16 175 26
2006 1,858 530 761 42 247 85 192 18

The numbers you posted are different than the numbers in the report. I pulled these numbers from page 8
Mr. d

I stand in awe of your logic and math skills. You are 100% correct when you say that more than 96.7% of Americans will die.
The rest.............................................. .............

become eternal liberals!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
We probably did loose a lot to heart attacks during the Clinton years, when they found out we elected a draft dodger!! D....I thought lib's were concerned about ALL military deaths....not just the ones that made Bush look bad!!!!


You are back to the same old partisan remarks full of "libs" and partisan cheap shots not worth responding to! Aren't you ever going to learn how to discuss a subject? :confused:

The category of "Action Homicide Illness Pending Self" is certainly vague. :confused:

Did your data separate numbers killed strictly by actual combat? That would seem to be the number that would have meaning, or are we to assume that the Iraq war is saving lives and should never be ended??? I assume not.

So, what is the conclusion you draw from the numbers?

You seem to have neglected the death toll for 2008 thus far. Over 4,000 and we have a lot of time left in the year. ( BUSCH ADMINISTRATION )
You seem to have neglected the death toll for 2008 thus far. Over 4,000 and we have a lot of time left in the year. ( BUSCH ADMINISTRATION )

The number of wounded military who will need VA assistance is a number missing that might be very informative!! Wonder why?

I believe the highest cost in VA expenditures for WW II was in 1979. Think what the cost will be for Vietnam and Iraq since we are able to save so many more seriously wounded. Our leaders seem to take the cost of war so lightly. Remember it was going to be minimal and the reconstruction of Iraq would be covered by their own oil sales. Well, we went to war/occupation and it sure has had an effect on the $5,19 I pay for diesel fuel. We should have given Saddam a billion dollars to move to another country and saved a mint!
Mr. D

The number of wounded is staggering. I won't quote figures, because no one knows how accurate they are as of now. It isn't only the money spent in Iraq, but also the 10 Billion plus dollars we have given to Pakistan to help fight the war on terror that has not been used for that purpose (according to our government) after an investigation. Though I have not agreed with our current president, I continue to support him because he is our country's leader. I will support our next president as well, whether it is Obamastan or McBusch.
Sorry "D"........................................... .... ..

I'll try to soften-up a bit. I feel like your coming over to our side!!!
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Mr. D

These are the figures from Camp Pendleton:

Since war began - 4110 deaths
" mission accomplished - 3971
" capture of Saddam - 3649
" hand over - 3251
" election 1/31/05 - 2673
unofficial wounded - 100,000
Afghanistan - 532 deaths
Iraqi deaths - 1,225,898
Something to ponder about:

What if the liberals and tree huggers were "FOR" drilling and refining our own resourses here within our boarders and we did not import fuel maybe we would not have been in all these problems all around the world today. Maybe we would not need to have our influences projected around the world.

I think I have finally seen the light!!! It's all the liberal's fault to all our problems today!!!

"Aim small miss small",

And what if

all of the companies that USED to manufacture here continued to, and if you would stop buying your clothes, appliances, etc. etc. etc. from made in other countries. Had we done this with oil here on our own shores, we would have depleted it many years ago. If WE were so smart about how to run this country, we should be doing it. Instead of voting for another politician, why don'T you run for office.
Things are as they are. Blaming someone else certainly isn't going to change it.
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twalker. Is that what the death and injuries to our troops means to you? A joke?

If you criticize some one you may as well spell the name correctly.

Which set of numbers would "you" have me believe?