Solar Eclipse

I find it amazing that science can predict an eclipse path accurately for a hundred years in the future and yet not be able to predict rain in West Texas with any degree of accuracy.

Concho Bill:)

well, as a pilot for <mumble> years, I've witnessed a significant improvement in the accuracy of weather forecasts.
Used the pinhole a 1/2" picture...called the wife...check it out...she came outside..."Big Deal..."
Ok maybe in another 100 years she will get excited about it .
......a couple of replacement welding lenses(4.5"x 5.25").....Shade No.12 glass......

Five bucks total.

May tape one to the front of my digital camera.

There's gonna be another total eclipse for the U.S.A. in only 7 more years.


This one had about as long a path of totality across the continental USA as can be had.

But the next one will be a whole lot me.:) In fact, the totality will pass over the daughter's house...........road 7 years.:cool:

I'll be a bit "more" prepared.

How SILLY we have become, CCBW. ESPN banning an American because his name is Robert Lee. Why don't we uproot LEE Highway, US 11, that runs not too far from my always friend CCBW.

We don't have a Piggly Wiggly, Walmart ran them off!!

I will now no longer go to WallyWorld after their alliance with GOOBUTTS.

As to this EARTH EVEBT eclippisty not a big deal other than making more sheeple followers.

Sorry, but I am grumpy this morning.

I quit patronizing Walmart a while back because of an ad they ran on TV....but I did order some stainless cups from them just recently and I hate myself. The cups were dirt cheap, and I saved $30. Soooooo, I'll change my mind for 30 bucks. Doesn't sound good for me does it?
Back to the eclipse

All kidding aside, we know the deal about the earth moon and sun and how they move in their regular and respective orbits. However, it is amazing that an eclipse can be predicted with such precision so far in the future. These predictions were done in the distant past by people without the aid of computers.

When I was very young, I wanted to be an astronomer but somewhere in high school i realized how much math was involved in astronomy. So I just shoot rifles.
Many years ago (late 1960s) there was a total eclipse that passed near Boston, MA.

The schools somehow had this idea that looking at the sun during totality would damage your eyes.

Luckily my parents let me stay home from school that day so we could use a pinhole and box to watch as totality approached and then look directly at totality.
I could only hope in its passing it left a majical energy on my behalf to help me become a more competitive shooter all though I did not have any real interest in it taking place. All of the different quick money making appoches just completly turned me off.
That would be

Many years ago (late 1960s) there was a total eclipse that passed near Boston, MA.

The schools somehow had this idea that looking at the sun during totality would damage your eyes.

Luckily my parents let me stay home from school that day so we could use a pinhole and box to watch as totality approached and then look directly at totality.

July 20, 1963. There were no other total solar eclipses in the conusa until March 7, 1970. That one touched the deep south going out to sea around North Carolina then touched Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.