Solar Eclipse


cook and bottle washer
Spring City, TN is one of the better places where the total eclipse can be seen. That makes it a big deal for two reasons. First is that I can observe the total eclipse without more than going outside...and secondly....I don't have to go to the Piggly Wiggly (every day deal) because I probably won't be able to get to it for the traffic. Fifty cars is too many for Spring City and they have that many porta-potties in the park. Hope it ain't a big flop because the town has spent a bunch of money thus far to make it comfortable for the visitors. My wife bought 5 or 6 of those shaded paper glasses at $2.50 each which "thrilled" me to no end. I asked her why she bought that many and she said "so we would have 'em". Not really a good reason but at least she had one. Thing is, they're sold out of the darned things everywhere - go figure.
Spring City, TN is one of the better places where the total eclipse can be seen. That makes it a big deal for two reasons. First is that I can observe the total eclipse without more than going outside...and secondly....I don't have to go to the Piggly Wiggly (every day deal) because I probably won't be able to get to it for the traffic. Fifty cars is too many for Spring City and they have that many porta-potties in the park. Hope it ain't a big flop because the town has spent a bunch of money thus far to make it comfortable for the visitors. My wife bought 5 or 6 of those shaded paper glasses at $2.50 each which "thrilled" me to no end. I asked her why she bought that many and she said "so we would have 'em". Not really a good reason but at least she had one. Thing is, they're sold out of the darned things everywhere - go figure.

the emergency wards are going to be flooded with idiots that looked at the sun with no protection. you can't fix stupid
Spring City, TN is one of the better places where the total eclipse can be seen. That makes it a big deal for two reasons. First is that I can observe the total eclipse without more than going outside...and secondly....I don't have to go to the Piggly Wiggly (every day deal) because I probably won't be able to get to it for the traffic. Fifty cars is too many for Spring City and they have that many porta-potties in the park. Hope it ain't a big flop because the town has spent a bunch of money thus far to make it comfortable for the visitors. My wife bought 5 or 6 of those shaded paper glasses at $2.50 each which "thrilled" me to no end. I asked her why she bought that many and she said "so we would have 'em". Not really a good reason but at least she had one. Thing is, they're sold out of the darned things everywhere - go figure.

Same here Wilbur. I've heard numbers of extra people in my rural area ranging from 50,000 to 500,000. I live between I-24 and I-65 in Ky, about 30 miles east of Hopkinsville, which is touting itself as being THE location to see the eclipse, and about 18 miles west of Bowling Green, which is just outside the path of "totality.

Either way, even with an extra 50,000 people in my small community, it'll bring things to a standstill if there is so much as a hiccup in traffic flow...which with that many extra cars, I think a few over heated, flat tires, and other general problems are to be expected. Sooo, I plan to stay home and watch it all unfold from my little compound in the country. I fully expect my country road to be packed!

After extensive research, and given that I am in the path of totality, where the sun is suppose to go completely dark and the stars to come out, for a brief two+ minutes, I have been able to find an image that accurately(I believe) depicts what eclipse viewers should expect to see in my general area during the peak time of totality. I'll share for those interested below:

I do hope for safe travels for all of those attending the Nats in Holton, heading south on Monday. I would plan accordingly.

I guess Im an old grouch but Im not looking at it with a pair of dime store glasses. Ive got a buddy who looked at one when he was a kid and screwed up his vision permanently. He can see but hes got scars in his vision. Doug
Spring City, TN is one of the better places where the total eclipse can be seen. That makes it a big deal for two reasons. First is that I can observe the total eclipse without more than going outside...and secondly....I don't have to go to the Piggly Wiggly (every day deal) because I probably won't be able to get to it for the traffic. Fifty cars is too many for Spring City and they have that many porta-potties in the park. Hope it ain't a big flop because the town has spent a bunch of money thus far to make it comfortable for the visitors. My wife bought 5 or 6 of those shaded paper glasses at $2.50 each which "thrilled" me to no end. I asked her why she bought that many and she said "so we would have 'em". Not really a good reason but at least she had one. Thing is, they're sold out of the darned things everywhere - go figure.

I bet she could triple her money on 4 or 5.
Just yesterday we entertained a couple of well known benchrest-shooters/eclipse-seekers on their way to Oregon in a 37' Bounder. Hope they have a great trip and see what they were looking for. It was sure nice having them in at our little get-together.
Don't forget

the glasses are for observing the event before and after totality.

If you are in the path of totality, make sure you park the glasses and look at the fully eclipsed sun for the 2 odd minute duration with your naked eyes. Its an awesome sight and one that is safe to look at with the naked eye. --Greg
Wilbur:They are saying the same thing about the crowds, etc. for us on the other side of I-75 at exit 60 (Sweetwater), I'll just step outside into the back yard and watch the event of a lifetime.Wife could probably sell the extra's for close to $10/pr and you'll be $$ ahead.
Place to watch eclipse

A buddy of mine asked me where I was going to watch the eclipse.
Friday I bought......

......a couple of replacement welding lenses(4.5"x 5.25").....Shade No.12 glass......

Five bucks total.

May tape one to the front of my digital camera.

There's gonna be another total eclipse for the U.S.A. in only 7 more years.

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Seriously glad I got to see that. Goodlettsville TN is right on the track and a couple of my kids and a grandson were able to view things from my front porch. Pretty cool to have the birds singing their evening songs at 1:30 in the afternoon, including Barred and Great Horned Owls. Then a few minutes later, they were all waking up again. Very cool.

We had about 40% coverage here in Houston, it looked like dusk outside for about 30 minutes. We have multitudes of welding hood lenses in the shop, everybody got a couple together and looked.

We did not have an animal sacrifice, nor did we build an alter to Ra to offer thanks that the great sky serpent did not swallow the Sun.

I did, (no BS), explain to a couple of our young men exactly what was going on. They honestly did not understand what was happening.
I find it amazing that science can predict an eclipse path accurately for a hundred years in the future and yet not be able to predict rain in West Texas with any degree of accuracy.

Concho Bill:)
I find it somewhat funny that folks are getting paid to say things like...30% chance of rain. That said, Danny Morgan tells a story of a hurricane, Camille I think, that hit Hattiesburg, MS that will change anybody's perspective on the current weather predictions.
I find it amazing that science can predict an eclipse path accurately for a hundred years in the future.
I guess that's because some things work on a "system" -- what I fine amazing is that some folks seem to think that system is the result of a "big bang."