single most important verdict this century


oft dis'd member
This is bigger than Heller, simply the most important firearms related story in the last 100yrs........

I am happy, my grandbabbies might still inherit a semi-rational nation after all :)

And still be able to put these labors of love I own to good use.

Rock ON America!!
Add in the fact that the trial was held in such a hard leftist part of the nation just may indicate that people have had enough woke insanity.
Add in the fact that the trial was held in such a hard leftist part of the nation just may indicate that people have had enough woke insanity.

Tom, Wisconsin is anything but a hard leftist state....the liberal agenda is driven by the population centers like Milwaukee. The vast majority of people outside the big cities are center or center-right leaning. Minnesota has the same situation with Mpls/St. Paul driving the agenda in a predominately rural state. -Al

Politics aside....Is there a legal precedent established following a trial court verdict? Guilty or not guilty verdicts are based on evidence or lack thereof and 12 members of your peers. Every trial is different. The only take away I see from this Verdict is that If you find yourself in a Jam,Hire the best lawyer you can afford.:D

...........If you find yourself in a Jam,Hire the best lawyer you can afford.:D


YES, this has always been the case and

Yes, our justice system is flawed, as are all....

but what I was referring to is that at least the kid didn't get fried in the court of public opinion.

The MSNBC hack went to jail,

the kid got a fair trial (IF trial-by-jury is fair) and

AFAIK the trial followed judicial procedure unlike most of the farcical public dramas of the last 20-30yrs.

My comment is less about the actual case but more about how it was handled and covered........And judging from how the Alec Baldwin coverage is fading, and how the Maxwell/Epstein case is being studiously ignored by our "media" perhaps the wurm is slowly turning??? Perhaps our Nation IS blinking itself awake? Perhaps normal folks are finally realizing that they too have the right to an opinion??

I think I'll go buy another gun.... at least they haven't raided the Pittman-Robertson pile...... YET...... The police around here tried hard about ten yrs back but we stopped 'em..... so, maybe America DOES still work..... if we can goad people into caring.....

Happy and Hopeful Here :)

Do Love Me Some Grandbabbies....
My comment is less about the actual case but more about how it was handled and covered.....

Yes, the verdict was the correct one for the charges.

The actions that directly contributed to the actual incident are another matter. But that's not what he was on trial for. -Al

YES, this has always been the case and

the kid got a fair trial (IF trial-by-jury is fair) and

AFAIK the trial followed judicial procedure unlike most of the farcical public dramas of the last 20-30yrs.

I'm not a Lawyer and I didn't watch the trial,so i won't comment on court procedure. The Judge is responsible for making sure that Due Process guidelines are followed.

My Point is/was, I think the Public will agree, the color of justice in this country is "green.", ask O.J. Simpson. Public opinion about one Jury verdict, will not change that fact. The smarter the lawyer, the better your chances of walking free. My Friend Rudy's retainer fee is $25,000.00,with no guarantee's:eek: Just a reminder.


Its concerning to even think about the possible long term emotional damage caused by this traumatic experience to this teenager and his Family.

Ive been involved in two work related shooting incidents. One in which the perpetrator died at the scene. The other was seriously injured.

I spent several weeks in mandatory agency sponsored therapy to address the possible traumatic damage.

As far as I can tell it worked. I sincerely hope that things work out favorably for this man.

I'm not a Lawyer and I didn't watch the trial,so i won't comment on court procedure. The Judge is responsible for making sure that Due Process guidelines are followed.

My Point is/was, I think the Public will agree, the color of justice in this country is "green.", ask O.J. Simpson. Public opinion about one Jury verdict, will not change that fact. The smarter the lawyer, the better your chances of walking free. My Friend Rudy's retainer fee is $25,000.00,with no guarantee's:eek: Just a reminder.


I _think_ I'm hearing you say that yourself and "the Public" believe Kyle Rittenhouse' exoneration was bought.
Its concerning to even think about the possible long term emotional damage caused by this traumatic experience to this teenager and his Family.

Ive been involved in two work related shooting incidents. One in which the perpetrator died at the scene. The other was seriously injured.

I spent several weeks in mandatory agency sponsored therapy to address the possible traumatic damage.

As far as I can tell it worked. I sincerely hope that things work out favorably for this man.


Here we agree. My heart hurts for the kid.

I _think_ I'm hearing you say that yourself and "the Public" believe Kyle Rittenhouse' exoneration was bought.

Think again. What I thought I made clear is that Kyle Rittenhouse hired the best legal team. You get what you pay for. I wish I had taken my own advice ,during my first divorce.

Exonerations have been/are bought,but that’s getting into the dark side of our legal system. Sometimes referred to as Jury Tampering. Buying the Judge,etc,etc.


I'm not a Lawyer and I didn't watch the trial,so i won't comment on court procedure. The Judge is responsible for making sure that Due Process guidelines are followed.

My Point is/was, I think the Public will agree, the color of justice in this country is "green.", ask O.J. Simpson. Public opinion about one Jury verdict, will not change that fact. The smarter the lawyer, the better your chances of walking free. My Friend Rudy's retainer fee is $25,000.00,with no guarantee's:eek: Just a reminder.


that half the lawyers finished in the bottom 50% of their law school class, when picking one.
Think again. What I thought I made clear is that Kyle Rittenhouse hired the best legal team. You get what you pay for. I wish I had taken my own advice ,during my first divorce.

Exonerations have been/are bought,but that’s getting into the dark side of our legal system. Sometimes referred to as Jury Tampering. Buying the Judge,etc,etc.


WOT? Paying for a good lawyer is not the same as "Sometimes referred to as Jury Tampering. Buying the Judge,etc,etc.".
....half the lawyers finished in the bottom 50% of their law school class, when picking one.

Ditto with Doctors, Greg. ;)

When a person goes to the baddest bar in town, they shouldn't be surprised when they find trouble. -Al

that half the lawyers finished in the bottom 50% of their law school class, when picking one.

Those statistics are probably true of most professions at any institution of higher learning. If I was looking to choose a good Brain Surgeon,id feel more comfortable picking one that graduated at or near the top of his class.:D

As far As an affordable Lawyer,for me,I think Track record,Personality, and Court room savvy would be at the top of the list of qualifications.

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WOT? Paying for a good lawyer is not the same as "Sometimes referred to as Jury Tampering. Buying the Judge,etc,etc.".

Tim, I never said that paying a Lawyer was the same as Jury Tampering ,in that context. Are we on the same page?
