Sightron Siii 10-50x60


Anyone know where I can find some reviews on this scope?

Any personal experience would also be appreciated.
First thing to think about: Can your build cope with a 29 ounce scope?

In a 17 lb light gun thats no problem at all, not in a 13.5 either. It seems to me its really kinda tunnel vision to assume everybody is building 10.5 lb guns, there are a lot of VFS shooters out there these days and an ever growing number of 600-1000 yd shooters also.

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In a 17 lb light gun thats no problem at all, not in a 13.5 either. It seems to me its really kinda tunnel vision to assume everybody is building 10.5 lb guns, there are a lot of VFS shooters out there these days and an ever growing number of 600-1000 yd shooters also.


Dick, since I don't have a 10.5 gun to my name, I don't think it's me doing the LV assuming.

Simply put, for my purposes, my rifle couldn't handle over 22 oz of scope. It's got a LCS on it.

My son's VFS rifle, being built from scratch, has a 36 oz NightForce in the safe waiting for it.

Greg J.
10-50 Sightron

I have shot 3 500 meter F-Class matches with mine and it works great, great glass, repeatable, no poi issues, and I have yet to turn it down from 50 in a match
Jonathan K

I shot Jonathan's gun yesterday and it is truly a good scope.
Jonathan placed 2nd with it yesterday.
It is very very clear and seem to hold point of impact though the real test would be short range BR for that.
If memory serves me correctly his group at 500 was about 1.25 with.

You forgot to mention that you won the match with the same gun, and I would say that your group was smaller. A 99 4x speaks for its self, and never turned the scope down from 50x(temp. was close to 85 with a good bit of mirrage). One more thing to consider, we were shooting 8208XBR. Great shooting Vern:D

I just shot a 600 yd BR match with a 10-50 Sightron today. I was using a 22 Dasher and it's hard to pick out the shot-holes with scopes in the 36X area.

I could easily see the 22 holes so that was good. Focussing is very critical - but not a problem and probably good if you need to use the scope for range-finding as the air-rifle Field Target guys do. Eye-relief is also critical.

If you are used to Nightforce or Schmidt & Bender you won't find the weight a problem but the price might be a pleasant surprise.

Vince (UK)
SIII 10-50X user

I have one but not on a benchrest rifle. It is on my .204.
I have only shot at 200yds and will shoot at 300meter
with bipod when I get range time at the 600yd prone range.
Just curious how good the .204 is at distance groups. So far it
is penny size,200yds, out of the box factory CZ 527 Varmint.
The SIII 10-50 is very clear, keeps POI, havent tested
four corner tracking yet. Turret Clicks are felt and audible
when it is quiet[HA!]. Yes it is heavy and mirage was heavy
here in Florida last Saturday, had to turn it down to about 30.
Seems like a good rugged scope but it aint no NF. I have a NF
for another gun, love the NP-2DD reticle. For the price diff
the NF is better, comes with SunShade and screw in lens covers.
The Sightron comes withou SunShade and has mickey mouse flip up
rubber boot lens covers.

I think you'll want to beat the .204 against a rock after you get out to 600 yds with it. I have seen a few on the line in F-class, they hold there own at 300yds, but at 500 the bullets where falling to the ground about 50 yds behind the target pits, not even making it to the impact berm. The groups opened up both vertical and horizontal, I think all caused by wind as at 300 he almost cleaned the X ring.

I think you'll want to beat the .204 against a rock after you get out to 600 yds with it. I have seen a few on the line in F-class, they hold there own at 300yds, but at 500 the bullets where falling to the ground about 50 yds behind the target pits, not even making it to the impact berm. The groups opened up both vertical and horizontal, I think all caused by wind as at 300 he almost cleaned the X ring.

Oooops dont get me wrong! I would only shoot at 300 Meters for a practice
shoot w/.204, no comp. I am not even going to try at 600yds! Just that we are all
wanting to see groupies at 300 meters [328.08 yds, to be exact]
from the .204. :rolleyes: