Sightron 10-50 vs Nightforce 12-42


Active member
I am looking for a new scope for benchrest shooting, need to stay in the $1500 or less range. I would appreciate any comments on these two scopes based on your experience, pro's and con's.

Thanks very much!

I constantly wonder why so many of the current crop of BR shooters are convinced you need a variable scope to shoot 50 do not.
There is a reason the vast majority of hard core BR scopes are straight power......a lot less moving parts.
You want the best bangfor the buck, buy a LCS 40X-45X and done with it and $ ahead.
Thanks Tim. I was also considering the Sightron 45X as well as the Leupold 45. I like the reticle's available in the Sightron better. This is my first custom rifle, and I have only shot with a variable power scope since starting shooting in 2016. The feedback I received from Paul at KSS/ARA was the top shooters in ARA Unlimited use a NF 15-55 scope, so that's why I was looking at a variable scope that costs less.

Can I ask what does LCS stand for?

Thanks Tim. I was also considering the Sightron 45X as well as the Leupold 45. I like the reticle's available in the Sightron better. This is my first custom rifle, and I have only shot with a variable power scope since starting shooting in 2016. The feedback I received from Paul at KSS/ARA was the top shooters in ARA Unlimited use a NF 15-55 scope, so that's why I was looking at a variable scope that costs less.

Can I ask what does LCS stand for?


Paul is very knowledgable.
Remember BR is often a “monkey see monkey do” kind of deal. Guys that shoot indoors sometimes dial them down.
As a new(ish) guy, why make things more complicated/expensive than they need to be. Save $ buy ammo.
LCS ...Leupold Competition Scope.
In some 30 odd years doing this, I never felt the need for a variable, other than my sporters which wear 4.5-14 LRT scopes cause they weigh only 16 oz.
Both of those 45’s are solid, I have 2 LCS 45’s that have been solid.
If you go Leupold, Bruno’s usually has best prices.
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One that has not been mentioned (that is in your price range) is the discontinued NF Comp 42x44.
I have used my 42x44's indoors at the Barn and Slick's and they were bright enough, just not as bright as my 15x55.
The LCS scopes are also in your range and very nice, however the brighter 40 is also discontinued, but can be found used.
I have a 40 and 45 LCS and they have both been very reliable.
I have no personal experience with the Sightron, but know folks that speak highly about them.
You probably would be happy with most of these depending on your eyes and brightness needs.
Best of luck,
Glen H
Didn't mention the BR 42,I love mine, it has been on my primary rifle for 2 odd years....rock solid, not heavy. Easy to make 10.5 lbs. if needed.
On the multi year scope test Alex Wheeler did, The most extensive scope testing ever done on any forum, POI was very reliable, other Niteforce variables were shown to wander, usually for 3-4 shots and then settle down.
Now this was all CF testing, but still.
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Tim, where might I find a copy of the scope testing done by Alex Wheeler?


It was a multi year thread on 6mmBR, unfortunately it appears to have been recently pulled for some unknown reason.
I used to read it faithfully.
Everybody loves to talk about clarity and forgets about the absolute #1 reason you are paying big $ for these things......the absolute ability to hold POI, especially after adjustment.
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Maybe not the same scopes, but straight to the point...
Just explore...

Thanks Pedro, that was pretty interesting but, unfortunately, IMHO not that useful.
The single, SINGLE, most important testing, which is entirely missed here, is POI reliability done with actual shooting, on a gun with a Hood type scope checker that utilizes a tandem mount. One side for testing, right beside a known reliable optic to verify tracking and holding POI without having shots “walking”.
Alex's Information

Tim, I sent Alex and email, asking if he could tell me where the find the info. I'll let you know if and when he responds.

Tim, I sent Alex and email, asking if he could tell me where the find the info. I'll let you know if and when he responds.


Hopefully it’s is posted somewhere, I would not get your hopes up however, I believe it got removed due to legal threats by a couple scope companies.
BR Scopes

This thread has been up here for awhile so I'll add my two cents.

First, I understand a budget. If you ain't got it, you ain't got it. But limiting your scope budget on a BR rifle is a mistake.

The rifle can be no better than the scope that is used to point it. The fact you want to shoot BR means you want all the accuracy and precision you can get.

The scope will cost about as much as the rest of the components that make up the rifle, not including the gunsmithing charges.

If you are converting a factory gun to BR your scope can cost less than if you are building a state of the art, full on, custom BR rifle.

We are lucky we have so many choices available at different price levels. But it is foolish to expect the same performance from a 1K scope as a 2K scope.

Years ago Leupold owned the BR market. Today Nightforce owns the market. With the 15X55 Competition leading the way.

You don't often hear complaints about the 15X55. But you do hear them.

I have three, two of them have been sent back. Didn't hold POI after making adjustments.

They both came back with the "No Problems found" but they no longer have problems. I'm confused, but glad.

To be on the safe side I ordered a Kahles 1050. Great scope, the glass isn't as bright as the NF but not a problem.

I notice I have less eye fatigue with the Kahles. I got use to the reticle pretty fast. I have even convinced myself the reticle may be an advantage when holding off.

But the thing that drives me crazy is the parallax adjustment. It is too coarse. I even put a wheel on it, but it is still too coarse.

Bottom line: buy a scope that fits the price of your rifle. You can have problems with any of them so make sure you can get whatever you buy serviced.

Great post Tony, spot on.
Niteforce seems to have a “history” of fixing stuff without admitting to anything, but they do fix it.
I guess the Kahles are great if you’re shooting ARA, just can’t make 10.5lbs.
The absolute best scope I own is a March high master 48X, but it’s on a PPC, March 40X’s have been rock solid for years as well.
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We all have different experiences and profiles regarding all gear pieces... that said, scopes included, we are biased, either because we own them, or had good/bad experience with some.
I 100% agree that the scope is not the best place to cut on cost. The other area is the scope rings, but we are not dealing with them for now.
Let me share my experience with those mighty optics we put on top of our rifles, and that, from very hot (~40ºC) to very cold climate conditions (-7ºC)...

Below my findings and follow-up on the scopes I have used and still use today:

Sightron SII 36x42 BRD (very nice for the price, perfect reticle, POI was not perfect, and on a match it lost control of the elevation - sold)
Sightron SIII 10-50x60 (good for the price, POI ok, but not enough IQ and too heavy - sold)
Hawke (several models, not enough IQ and mechanics - all sold)
Nightforce 8-32x56 BR (perfect IQ, not easy parallax adjustment, too heavy - sold)
March 10-60x50 (everything ok, but not enough IQ - sold)
Leupold FX 6x42 (not enough IQ, good reticle for IS, but tricky parallax adjustment - not on use for now)
Leupold VXII 6-18x42 (excelente IQ, be aware that due to sample variation one should choose the best we could find. For me this is the 3rd! Parallax adjustment so-so - on use IS)
Nightforce 15-55x52 (excellent IQ, perfect clicks, medium weight - 2 on use)
Leupold 6.5-20x50 TGT (good/excellent IQ, good parallax adjustment, clicks ok - on US for a reticle change, to be used on IS)
March 5-32x50 (the best scope for IS, but too heavy, leading to a tricky rifle handling - sold)
Nightforce 42x44 (excellent IQ, perfect clicks, light weight for the size - 5 on use, one needed factory correction)

So, for the time being, I had enough scope syndrome...
Still on the trying list, March 48x and Signtron SIIISS 45x... but, have to confess, not much willing...
Scope feedback

PedroS, thanks very much for the summary. Gosh, you've owned a lot of scopes, and sold a lot too! I appreciate your experience and thoughts!
