Should have a lot more vertical

Great News

Hey Pete!

Good to hear from you! All good here and hoping to make Augusta in June.

Trust you are well!

Take Care!

Yes, doing great. In Florida until around 10 April. Will look forward to seeing you in Augusta. Perhaps we can get dinner?

Sorry, I do not have the answer to your question; as I am not exactly sure how one reads a group that was shot with a two hour variance, gusts doubling in velocity and not knowing when the trigger was pulled.

No question on the vc but think that has more value at long range.

Question: Were the lower sighters shot with the same conditions. Lots of vertical there when compared to center group.

Off subject but, where was your holding point, I like my POI down wind of my POA.?

Bonne chance!

My holding point is 12 o'clock on the bull. The sighter shots were not sighter shots but a group with a different load. I shot at 200m this morning, sames cases; the ones with the Column didn't show any vertical but quite a bit of horizontal, normal with the wind today. I loaded again with Euber FB 68gr: much better! No horizontal, a little bit of vertical: one zone.
"Two hour variance": I meant, let's say wind from 1 o'clock moving to the 3 o'clock position. The trigger was deliberately pulled regardles of the position of the wind flags to assess the behavious of the bullets in the wind. I did, though, pay attention to the the wind velocity and tried to shoot with the tails of the flags at the same angle.
My holding point is 12 o'clock on the bull. The sighter shots were not sighter shots but a group with a different load. I shot at 200m this morning, sames cases; the ones with the Column didn't show any vertical but quite a bit of horizontal, normal with the wind today. I loaded again with Euber FB 68gr: much better! No horizontal, a little bit of vertical: one zone.
"Two hour variance": I meant, let's say wind from 1 o'clock moving to the 3 o'clock position. The trigger was deliberately pulled regardles of the position of the wind flags to assess the behavious of the bullets in the wind. I did, though, pay attention to the the wind velocity and tried to shoot with the tails of the flags at the same angle.

But did you have the same tall Extreme Spread?

What I'm trying to point out is that in your first example of very large ES, those groups will be tall at 200 and beyond. The only way they can all drop together is if they're converging @ 100yds which means their paths are "crossing over" at 100yds and would continue to diverge (show vertical) as distance increases.
But did you have the same tall Extreme Spread?

What I'm trying to point out is that in your first example of very large ES, those groups will be tall at 200 and beyond. The only way they can all drop together is if they're converging @ 100yds which means their paths are "crossing over" at 100yds and would continue to diverge (show vertical) as distance increases.

Well, I am ashamed to admit that as I didn't have much time that day I didn't bring the Labradar. I agree with your analysis and I thought I could assume the same cases, load, etc. would produce the same effects, stress on assume!
There is a medium size match coming up and I have decided to shoot Column at 100m and Euber at 200m. we'll see what gives. Previously, I shot Eubers but my reserves are drawing down and I have enough for a couple of matches only; this one will be a test before the 2 biggest matches here in May and June.