Shooting-Related Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss

I dont know if its been suggested,but it is sensible to get your hearing checked,at least once a year, by a specialist. Especially when you start getting up in age. For 31 years,I had to get an annual physical exam,(Mandatory)that included a hearing test. The only way to be certain about your hearing health is to get it checked. Not all hearing loss is caused by exposure to loud noises.

A specialist can recommend treatment or advice relative to aids to assist hearing. Hearing loss is s serious matter. I am in possession of my third pair of hearing aids. Still can't get in the habit of wearing them.

I dont know if its been suggested,but it is sensible to get your hearing checked,at least once a year, by a specialist. Especially when you start getting up in age. For 31 years,I had to get an annual physical exam,(Mandatory)that included a hearing test. The only way to be certain about your hearing health is to get it checked. Not all hearing loss is caused by exposure to loud noises.

A specialist can recommend treatment or advice relative to aids to assist hearing. Hearing loss is s serious matter. I am in possession of my third pair of hearing aids. Still can't get in the habit of wearing them.

Try your best to wear them, Glenn. Like our muscles and joints, all of the parts in our ears that allow us to hear have to be exercised also. Without that exercise, we lose them over time. When I started wearing hearing aids, I was very self conscious, and embarrassed to wear them. I am completely deaf in my left ear and have very little remaining in my right ear. They go in my ears first thing in the morning and remain there until I go to bed. I learned as a child to read lips without my teachers and friends realizing I couldn't understand them. As time went on, one of my doctors persuaded me to learn ASL (American Sign Language). It appears the ASL will come in handy.

I am sure your hearing aid dispenser told you it was important to wear the aids at least 8 hr per day and that you will "get used to them."
Actually, there was a very bright audiologist (actually, a physicist) at the university of Glascow named Gatehouse. This guy studied adaption to changes in our sensory systems. He did a study on a group of students a few years ago where he fitted them with glasses that inverted everything. This actually made some of them sick to their stomachs! But, he kept them wearing them and after 6-8 weeks, they adapted to the inverted view. Then, he took the glasses away. Low and behold, they saw everything inverted and it took 6-8 weeks to get used to normal again!
Well, he found the same thing with hearing aids. When you wear hearing aids for the first time, they sound "wrong" because your poor hearing was "normal." So, it is very important that your dispenser works with you AND you have the discipline to stick with them for that 6-8 week period. At least 8 hours per day for 6-8 weeks straight and you will not have a problem wearing them. The reason is that now, "normal" is with hearing aids and "wrong" is without them!

Trust me.

Not only did I hear Dr. Gatehouse speak on this and other research he did, but I wear hearing aids and that helped me to stick with them and they are now "normal."