Shooting in the wind



I will take the best centerfire shooters and put the best rimfire gun in there hands and they would beat the best rimfire shooters, There are a lot more barrels out there now in rimfire that will shoot through a lot of wind at 50 yards, there has only been a few hummers out there in centerfire, and tony boyer has had a few of them, I know some rimfire shooters that don't put wind flags out. you will never see that in centerfire. I would give tony boyer a month of practice at rimfire and he would beat 98% of the shooters, I have seen him put 5 shots in a small .120 hole in a 25 mile cross winds, reversing 5 times, and a head wind to boot and still shot one hole group, doing it in a diffrent condition each shot. There are great wind dopers on both sides, but don't tell me rimfire is harder.

I will take the best centerfire shooters and put the best rimfire gun in there hands and they would beat the best rimfire shooters

No wonder, you didn't give the rimfire guys a gun. Guess old Tony want to start teaching RF BR school. Pay him for the day and he'll tell you all you need is trigger time. Good deal.
I'll take the best beer you've ever tasted, and put it up against the best beer I've ever tasted, and mine will be better. Hell, I know some beer drinkers who like your beer, and they don't even pour it in a glass. There may be good beers on both sides, but you can bet your ass that mine is better.


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I'll take the best beer you've ever tasted, and put it up against the best beer I've ever tasted, and mine will be better. Hell, I know some beer drinkers who like your beer, and they don't even pour it in a glass. There may be good beers on both sides, you can bet your ass that but mine is better.




That just made me think of the scene in Tombstone where Doc Holiday starts flipping his shot cup around back to the "fast pistoleer" Johnny Ringo...
, I know some rimfire shooters that don't put wind flags out. you will never see that in centerfire.

I would give tony boyer a month of practice at rimfire and he would beat 98% of the shooters,

There are great wind dopers on both sides, but don't tell me rimfire is harder.


Those that don't put out flags are not serious about winning. They should be beat by the best guns out there.

Only know Tony by reputation. You think he really needs a month of practice?

Rimfire may or may not be harder. It is different. Virtually all rifles will shoot thru the wind for 50 yards. Of course there is some difference in where they hit and how often they hit the same place.

If I was a betting man, I'ld bet on the rimfire guys when shooting rimfire. I would also bet on the centerfire guys when shooting centerfire. Like I said, different games.

My rifle will shoot through the wind at 50 yards. At least as far as I know the bullet has never failed to make it to the target so it's shooting through the wind. But the wind does change where it hits. Light wind, heavy wind, it still changes it.
I'll take the best beer you've ever tasted, and put it up against the best beer I've ever tasted, and mine will be better. Hell, I know some beer drinkers who like your beer, and they don't even pour it in a glass. There may be good beers on both sides, but you can bet your ass that mine is better.



Very good:D

I always like those little downdrafts over the berm and onto the target that you cannot see and push a sub sonic bullet down 2 rings......:confused:

This topic has all the makings of a UFC match special olympics style.
First off there is no evidence such a thing is absolute just a lot of speculation.

Second if it does happen then let Tony be the judge.

Life really can be simple. :)


I heard this one day talking with a friend who deals at the Winn.... You're gonna love this quote:

"It's just an arguement until money get's laid down."

I love this town....
I will take the best centerfire shooters and put the best rimfire gun in there hands and they would beat the best rimfire shooters, There are a lot more barrels out there now in rimfire that will shoot through a lot of wind at 50 yards, there has only been a few hummers out there in centerfire, and tony boyer has had a few of them, I know some rimfire shooters that don't put wind flags out. you will never see that in centerfire. I would give tony boyer a month of practice at rimfire and he would beat 98% of the shooters, I have seen him put 5 shots in a small .120 hole in a 25 mile cross winds, reversing 5 times, and a head wind to boot and still shot one hole group, doing it in a diffrent condition each shot. There are great wind dopers on both sides, but don't tell me rimfire is harder.


Congrats. If there was an award for worlds dumbest internet got the lifetime achievment trophy.
AND I'll take the best beer you......

ever tasted, an' the best beer I've ever tasted, then I'll run both beers through a moose in rut, an' let you taste both, then you tell me which is better, an' I'll take your word for it, an' thattle be good enough for me, too!!!

Congrats. If there was an award for worlds dumbest internet got the lifetime achievment trophy.

Its only dumb, to people with low brain power, you have to be for OBAMA.
I have it from a reliable source that B. Hussein OBama cannot read the wind,dope it maybe?
He does not as of yet have a Calfee rifle.
But if the political polls go in that direction he may obtain one.
I wonder which ammo he will select?
Sounds to me like "settlersbaydon" might just be a troll,since no one could be that big of a dumb a** by accident.:rolleyes: