Shooting in MN



I am looking to start shooting 600 and 1000 yard benchrest in Minnesota and possibly f-class. Is there anyone in these forums that shoots in MN? Typically what are the classes (weight, caliber and the etc.) and where is a good place to start? Sorry for all of the newbie questions but I have never shot competition and have no idea where to start. Thanks in advance.
Gopher R & R club in Harris. 20 miles N on 35. 1000 yard range. I think they have a fun shoot this weekend. I bet you can con one of the members into letting you barrow a gun to shoot a couple of relays. if I was there, you could shoot mine...but...can't make it.

Check it out!!!!

shooting in mn

I started to shoot F-class this year in MN and if you are around the Twin Cities there are matches at least every month. There are ranges with 600 yard lines in Red Wing, Elk River, and Harris. Harris also has a 1000 yard line on their KD range. There is an active range in Duluth with a 500 yard berm on their KD range. There is also a KD range in Hibbing although I do not know much about that range.

The Minneapolis Rifle Range has a 300 meter electronic scored range and they use it every month for an informal high power match they have a number of F-class shooters every month at these matches.

Wisconsin has a pretty active high power community if you are interested in driving a bit for matches.

Where do you live?

Near Albert Lea MN. So I am about as far south in MN as a person can get. I have a rifle that I would like to use at these events, I typically shoot at ranges from 200 to 1000 yards. I have not been able to use anything over 500 lately as the corn is too tall to shoot over! At 200 yards I am typically between .24" and .3 with 5 shot groups so I think I should be able to compete with this rig. I have not been able to shoot past 500 with it as it is a relatively new build but the results at 500 are promising. What rule book should I look at and is weight going to be an issue?
Try Pella Iowa.....they have a 1000 yrd match comming up on the 19th. Not far from you at all. Trust me on this.....You won't find a more helpfull bunch of guys than the long range guys. They will help you 27 ways from Sunday. They all helped me. We need more shooters. Bring a friend. to both Harris and Pella. You are close to both. I travel 760 miles one way to Pella and 425 to Harris. It's worth every mile.

Good luck,

This coming event at pella, when does it start? Do I need to be a member of the club or is it a public shoot? Also what types of fees are involved.
WOW that is a serious haul to go shoot! You should be on some sort of fosters beer commercial about commitment.
Harris information

There's lots of fun to be had shooting in MN!

We were shooting 1000 yard benchrest this weekend at Gopher Rifle and Revolver Range,

Quick directions:
Take I35 north to the Harris exist.
Go west about a 1000 yards(ok maybe a mile), take your first right.
Go north about a mile to the 'T', and take a left.
Go west about 100 yards and take the very next right thru the club gates.

Hope to see you there!
Mike Wieland
Let me know if you need more information and I can get you my cell number.
This coming event at pella, when does it start? Do I need to be a member of the club or is it a public shoot? Also what types of fees are involved.
WOW that is a serious haul to go shoot! You should be on some sort of fosters beer commercial about commitment.

Just show up. You don't need to join the club, and you don't need to join the IBS. I JOINED BOTH. Your IBS membership will be good for one year. Like I said.... any club will bend over backwards for you. They just will.

YOU WILL HAVE FUN. I went one time and was hooked. I think it starts at 9:00. Be there an hour early. It gets buisy just before the matches. You can get the directions to the range off of their website. Other shooters can help you get on the berm before the match, and even during the sighter period.

If you get to Pella, you will probably shoot along side the current IBS champion, Several former IBS 1K champions, Mabe a world record holder or two. You will see spectacular equipment at both shoots.

I would make the trip to Harris this weekend. It will be fairly informal (I think).
Mike is a "BIG WHEEL" at the Harris club. (sorry Mike..just had to). You will get a good idea on how everything works.

Saturday's match is our fall fun match in Harris, We have 1 in the spring and 1 in the fall. We do this to promote the sport of 1000 yard BR, for people like yourself looking to get in to the sport. Mike and myself will be there along with a bunch of others, that are more than willing to talk guns and stuff. It's very informal and a relaxed atmosphere. Hope to see you there. :D

Congrats Tod, on your 5th place 2 gun at the Nats. Wish I could have made it. :D


Thanks for all of the input and direction I won't be able to go to Harris this weekend, my wife has a snowmobile addiction as I have a rifle addiction and she NEEDS to go to haydays. I will try to make it to pella the weekend of the 19th. Thanks again.
Thanks for all of the input and direction I won't be able to go to Harris this weekend, my wife has a snowmobile addiction as I have a rifle addiction and she NEEDS to go to haydays. I will try to make it to pella the weekend of the 19th. Thanks again. don't have two cars?????:D
In the last GRRC newsletter they said the Harris exit on 35 so you need to take the West Branch exit and go north.
