Shamrock Shoot XX 2021


New member
2021 Shamrock XX match is scheduled for March 27&28. The information and registration form has been posted on MGGOA 's website. Dust off the gear and come on down, the weather is nice here.
Joe, Bill. Sure will ... just stand by your mail box with a hot cup of coffee and wait for me, I have to search for my heavy coat and gloves - might take a minute
i have 4 ft. Drifts here need trtasctor to get thru already used 4 snows to keep up

Hey Wayne, can you swing by and help me shovel my camper out of a snowdrift? Hahaha


Jeez! Where y'all live? Got hardly any snow around SE MI....We should have 2' usually...but, that is the before times.
Before the Dems BS about Global Warming.....Where's all the Global warming?????
It was 10° last night. Furnace been running, almost constant, for a week.......
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