Seb Neo Rest



Are the Seb Neo Rests still availible? If so, who/where?
seb neo

if you ever plan on shooting LR BR or "F" class.. ... the neo is the way to go..... also... Mike Ratigan sells a model esp. for short range BR...
I shoot short range BR 50yrds to 200 yrds. What's difference between the two models?
From Seb

Regular Neo rest: with built-in uplift & adjustable 3 pc bag

Ratigan version; uplift springs removed changed to a counterweight for LV-HV gun with 1 pc bag 3" wide

I have a Farley II and a Ratigan Neo, each is different to each other and I wouldn't sell either. The Seb has more travel than the Farley II and it's easy to get around a rimfire target.
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Seb neo

I have multiple rest, from inexpensive to very expensive. I shoot a number of disciplines, and instruct lots of customers how to shoot lots of different rifles.

I ordered a SEB rest and it took two years to get. It was worth the wait. The only change I have made with the SEB NEO is that I recovered the bags with 1000 denier nylon.

As with many things if you have not used one, you should find someone in your area or at a match and ask to setup and shoot off it. Then you can make your own decision. I know that I would not sell mine even though I have seen a few for sale on the web.

A Farley rest is a very nice rest but not in the same class as the SEB NEO.

Nat Lambeth
First a disclaimer: I am not an experienced competition shooter. I am a novice with a passion for fine tools. I come from a family of machinists and mechanics, so I know fine tools when I see them.

Over the past eight years, I have been buying and trying a variety of windage adjustable rests. About two years ago, I read of the SEB NEO on another shooting site. That site gave contact information for Ernie Bishop as the sales rep. and importer of SEB rests. First, I contacted Ernie Bishop, exchanging several e-mails with him. Then I sent off my money and waited a year. The rest arrived last summer. It is everything I hoped it would be. The quality of machining and the smooth function of the SEB NEO are first rate. It looks and feels like something NASA might make, if they were interested in BR shooting. As a disabled shooter, with one functioning hand, I have tried other 'joystick rests'. Based on my trials, the SEB NEO stands alone.

I have tried the NEO with different guns at different distances. I have shot 50 yard RBA targets with my light sporter and heavy rimfire guns. I have shot 100 yards with my BAT 222 Varmint gun and (iron sights) with my Martini MK II. I am satisfied that the NEO is the most stable, smooth operating and reliable rest I have ever seen, much less tried. The three piece, adjustable width bag means I need no other front rest and can shoot all of my rifles, (even when sighting in hunting rifles) from a single front rest, with a single top and bag.

Here is my SEB NEO, on the line with my Martini MK II, before I went back to iron sights with the Martini:

Here is Ernie Bishop's contact information:

Ernie Bishop
306 West Flying Circle Drive
Gillette, WY 82716

(307) 257-7431
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I would think the engineering of the two rest would be comparable. Don't get me wrong I liked the seb neo I had for the year or so I shot with it. Well I didn't care for the front bag. the one piece nor the 3 piece. to hard I think. I tried several different fillings as well. other than that it was a work of art. The rest was also very smooth that's for sure. Very nice no question. For whatever reason though, I just never got comfortable with mine. I gave up on mine and sold it, and went back to a Farley. Honestly, im glad I did. I started getting better results on the paper immediately.
This is just my experience, and I shoot just about every day. the Farley works a little better for me. I may try another seb in the future, but I wont sell my Farley to buy one like I did before. What I am really interested in now is sebs joypod rest. Now that has to be the best idea ever!!!!! Lee
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Hard Bag

Well I didn't care for the front bag. the one piece nor the 3 piece. to hard I think. I tried several different fillings as well. other than that it was a work of art. Lee

I agree the three piece bag system is pretty hard. The one of a kind rest right next to mine in my attached picture also has a three piece bag. It is a lot softer, even with 'heavy sand'. Could it be a simple matter of the SEB bags being overfilled? What filing materials did you try?

You use the term, "joypod rest". What does that mean? Is it simply the joystick operation of the NEO? I used to have a couple of Butch Lambert rests that were also operated with a joystick. The NEO is smoother operating, but then the NEO costs three times as much as Butch's rests. Butch also makes fine equipment, well worth the cost. Here is a link to Butch's site:

Has anyone else on this site who owns a NEO found a filler that works better than the OEM filler?
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Thank you for your interest in the NEO rest!
For US pricing and information please contact the US dealers.
Ernie Bishop (ernieemily(at)yahoo(dot)com) for the regular rest.
Mike Ratigan (mike22ppc(at)icloud(dot)com) for the Ratigan version.

Thanks Ian for explaining the differences between the regular rest & the Ratigan version.

Thank you Joe, Bill, Nat, Slowshot for the kind words & supports!

Skeele & Dusty, I am sorry that you did not like/satisfied with the NEO's top/bag!
I am sorry if the NEO bags gave you vertical! And I believe that you understand many things could cause vertical.
I understand that my rests/products can't satisfy most people, also that everyone has his/her own preference --- still glad though that we have over than 95% (probably close to 99%) satisfied customers around the world. (I have shipped over than 1,800 rests, combined, to 30+ countries and only know a few/several people that did not like/satisfied with the performance of our rests).
Still trying our best to make close to 100% satisfied customers...and to me, it's not a mission impossible!

All the best,
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Also my apologies that our website has not been updated since 2009, and now in-active!
All due to our workload & demand. I really don't have time to update.
We will re-build our website soon once we are 'ready'.
Catching up....

Thanks for all the info! I contacted Ernie and got on the waiting list for a NEO. Hope it's not a two year wait.
Not knocking your fine rest at all Seb- hope you can see that. Its just the design of the top does not lend itself to a 10.5lb ppc as well as it does a 22lb open rifle. Wish youd adapt it to take the same bag as a farley or JJ rest. Then youd have the short range folks having to have one.
Glad that you did Camoman39.
No it won't be over one year wait, we are catching up now.


Dusty, I appreciate your thought / suggestion.
I am all ears to (what I think) good inputs or critics!
That is why the NEO is like it is now. It's because lot of inputs from shooters around the world during the development.
However if I could recall correctly, you are the only one that I know suggesting to change our current NEO top... so far.
Yes, some asking me to make bag with slick material, or with different/custom color, or thicker bag, but not to the top config.
Yes, a few shooters think that the NEO top & bag is "ilegal" to use in Williamsport match due to it's top & bag configuration, but it's already informed by the board/match director that the neo conforms with the rules.
I am glad that we have passed some 'rains & storms'...

Quote: "Then youd have the short range folks having to have one".
Just for instance, even TB loves the/his NEO (as is) and told me he would never use any other rests. He even sold his old rests and asked me more NEO for his friends!
You can check with him about it.
He also never told me that the bag is too hard.... my logic is; if the bag is too hard or too soft it's the man that fills the bag...
I also shoot point blank BR, F-Class, and a few middle & long range match myself (some at the Worlds)....of course I'm not TB, however I have never felt "handicapped" or so, or had vertical, (purely) because of the neo top & bag configuration. I know when I had vertical I would blame myself, to re-check my load, stock, bag setup & hardness, firing pin consistency etc etc.
Technically speaking, I know when someone gives me good / valuable input or critic.
However you could be right about the NEO top & bag... time will tell. Just because you are the only one it doesn't mean that you are 'wrong', you are only different.
My finding, until today, I get more & more order than ever and to my record no one asks to change the top.
I can/will change any-thing in my rests if (by general consensus) there is a flaw or imperfection, for sure.


Am a dedicated SEB NEO customer/user.
But with one issue (complaint). For which have emailed on another site about it.

And that is the forearm stop...

I shoot various disciplines with various rifles. As a result if have found issues with the way in which the different stocks make contact with the o-rings of stop.
In some cases they do not!
Your (previous emailed) suggestion was to turn the adjustment screw in or out at the pivot/hinge point.
But when doing this it (unfortunately) changes the angle of the stop.

My own fix (that I have shared with other NEO owners/users that I shoot with here in SE WI) is a set of spacers that I place under the existing stop.
I purchased a large assortment to determine which spacer works best.
Now having them labeled as to which rifle and which discipline.
(30BR-Prone, 30BR-Bench, 30x47-Prone, 30x47-Bench, 6PPC-Prone, 6PPC-Bench, Anschutz-Prone, Anschutz-Bench, etc, etc.)
I unscrew the stop from the bolt and slide rail, put needed spacer over the bolt, and screw the stop onto the bolt.

I would recommend designing a way to have the forearm stop be adjustable vertically.
Possibly even doing away with the hinge/pivot all together.
Your adjustment screw at the pivot/hinge does NOT move the stop in JUST the vertical plane, as it also changes its pitch/angle.
Thus effecting how the o-rings (and how many of them) make contact with the front edge of the stock.

I have spoken with Mike Ratigan about this and have ordered some of Mike's caps to replace the o-rings to give it a try, and to pass onto my other NEO friends.

Maybe I will try and get some pictures of the before and after the spacers for better reference.
As I would think other NEO owners would also be experiencing this.
At least I know two others in my immediate area are.

I have owned and used a Shadetree, Farley Compact and a Farley II before my current SEB MAX. All were very good rests. I used the Farley for several years and liked it. I shoot score and did have a few problems when shooting the lower corner bulls, but usually figured it out. Last year I shared a bench with a friend who owned my current MAX. After using it I knew I had to have one. My friend was in line for the newer model, so I bought his. I have used it this season and love it. I was at a fun match (balloon shoot) this past W/E and was asked about it several times. My reply was always, "if you offered me $200 more than I paid for it and told me I would have to go back to a Farley, I would pass". I have had no issues with vertical and shoot several rifles off this rest including a 10.5 lb, 13.5 and an 18.5.

Richard, thank you for yours!
I agree with you that adding spacer(s) would be a good solution for the current NEO stopper, it's also inexpensive.
The current stop would only work up & down for about 3/4" max (normally), and the angle of the stop will change along with the adjustment screw at the pivot hinge.
On newer rests, I did add an extra rubber O-ring on the top, plus spare O-rings as well....but due to huge stock variations out there (the thickness, angle on the front end, perpendicular or radiused, and on) I can't make a 'one suits all' stopper. It can be 2" or more vertical variance between a point blank BR stock to...say some specialty 'bag gun' stocks.

Some people already "think" or complain that my rests are "very expensive", some even say "holy cow!!!". I can understand that thinking...some (or many people) don't want to spend over than $ 500 or even $ 300 for a front rest. And that they do not know exactly about my rests, the internals that must be made within 0.001" or better, no any burrs, polished, etc... and/or how it is made. ---- If I can say it, and if I can choose...I would prefer to produce fine bolt actions that cost +/- $ 1K a unit rather than to make the NEOs!!! My (FOB) NEO price is much less than that, it's the overseas shipping cost etc that makes it over $ 1K @ customer's end.
Sorry for my ranting...
I hope you can understand why.... so not because I can't make a better stopper, 'the one would suits all stocks' stopper in my mind is just more expensive to make... also to my opinion, it's not a very important item/detail in a front rest and very easy to change / modify....

Your 'complain' and suggestion is noted. Thanks!

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