SEB… Farley front rests


New member
How often do you find it necessary to re-adjust ( or tweak ) the tension screw settings on the Farley and / or SEB rests.
When using only a LV gun, are they “set it and forget it”?, or do they need to be re-adjusted for changes in the weather etc? for smooth operation.


I don't know about Seb's rests but I find that Farley's will get grit in them, depending on where you shoot, and will start feeling rough. You'll start fighting it by applying more pressure then you used to, it'll break free and overshoot the desired aim point, your attention will suddenly be diverted from the conditions to getting to the aim point, and life will not be good. Then in the middle of a match you'll get clever and reduce the tension to the point that you start feeling the shock of firing move the rest around in your left hand and you know that can't be good. And this whole process sneaks up on you rather slowly but it always seems to reach that "ah ha" moment in the middle of a match.

You really have to maintain these things, they work well but you have to keep them clean. Stuff can come in from the top but there is a sliding plate on the bottom with grease that is totally exposed. I bought some naugahyde fabric to make a "Farley condom" for the bottom to help keep dirt out and hopefully, to keep this thing operating better.

A good buddy of mine keeps brow beating me to return to bag squeezing and I haven't ruled that out but I'm going to try to keep up the cleaning routine on this thing first. When they work, they're great.

Few things are set and forget in this sport, IMHO. Maybe, "Oh crap, I forget where I set my truck keys". That's about it.....
Got a new Farley in Oct.
Have not had to adjust it, yet.
Super Shoot is a little dusty. I just put it in my wagon/cart. Even left the cover off one night.
Next morning a lot of dew on everything. Put some powder on the bags. Ready to go.
Thought I was going to have a bad time of it. Dew and dust. So far not a problem.
And I shoot at least 2-6 days a month. All good.
I marked the slot to see if they moved. Which they did.
Some of the roads in MI should just be dirt. Then maybe the gas tax would be less. There are a lot of holes to fill.

Since I made a new joystick and knob out of S/S on my Seb I haven't had to adjust my rest for over 12 has made the movement so much smoother...doesn't matter if it has a Light or Heavy sitting on it.

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I would like to inquire. Do you guys adjust the rest for a certain weight like 10-12 lbs or 15-18 lbs or just tighten er up to like 25 lbs so nothing moves easily?