If you are asking about the max group size for a Precision Shooting Magazine "screamer patch" at 600 yds. I think it is 1.3" for a 5 shot group. The requirements to get a PS screamer patch are on page 106 of the July 2008 issue. I have misplaced my issue and cannot verify that it is 1.3" but I'm thinking that is right.
It is easier to machinegun 5 rounds downrange with a 75 pound heavygun than a 17 pound lightgun is probaly the main reason.Out here we shoot 10 shots in heavygun at 600.
Hal, The 1.3" max is for a 5 shot group in both LG and HG like in IBS . However there is a larger max group size for a HG 10 shot group (NBRSA) screamer. I think it is 1.5" but again I'm not positive I still can't find my old PS issue.
Last I heard Don Nielson holds the NBRSA 600 Yard Heavygun Group record with a 10 shot group around 1.7XX inches.I think it is now 3 years old and was shot at the 600 yard nationals.
If Don holds the NBRSA 600 yd. Heavy Gun record at 1.7xx then I can safely guess there haven't been many screamer patches handed out for 600 yd.10 shot groups . That bar got set pretty high.
The current records for a single target in the IBS are, LG .944 group with 50pts and HG .634 group with 50pts. I still have no clue why they don't count X'es for record. We shoot for percision more than accuracy. 5 X'es tells me that you hit what you aimed at in the center. If it was up to me, i would cut around the 5 ring and anything outside it would be nothing but air.
Are you going to the winter meeting? If you have 3 people that are interested in being on the 600yd committee, All you have to do is make a motion on the floor and nominate 3 people and vote. Larry and myself are stepping down.