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Before You Say Someone is Wrong You Need to Check the Records

I believe you or your other brother Daryl, or whoever registered you better brush up on the rule book............and have a look-see at the record book of both organizations, particularly Score and Long Range before you expound on things you know little about.

Before You Say Someone is Wrong You Need to Check the Records. Check Shooter Of Year Stats 2014. You will see me listed twice. I was NOT a IBS member. So everything I said is true.

There is no integrity or sportsmanship within the IBS organization, however, there are some fine sportman and gentleman that shoot IBS.

Before You Say Someone is Wrong You Need to Check the Records. Check Shooter Of Year Stats 2014. You will see me listed twice. I was NOT a IBS member. So everything I said is true.

There is no integrity or sportsmanship within the IBS organization, however, there are some fine sportman and gentleman that shoot IBS.

So, lets get this straight. You attend score matches regularly without joining the organization that makes it possible.....fall through the cracks and get national recognition for your achievements, then go on a website and trash said organization as being bush that about it?
I see you still attend score matches in the Northeast. Tell us what other organization holds matches in your region that offers more "serious shooting" ?
As far as integrity and sportsmanship, how would someone who continues to compete without abiding by the organizations rules recognize either one?

I guess I missed something along the way Last I knew you had to be a member in IBS to shoot their matches.
Same as NBRSA , or did it change back ?
The Orginzation Does Not Abid By its Own Rules why should I

So, lets get this straight. You attend score matches regularly without joining the organization that makes it possible.....fall through the cracks and get national recognition for your achievements, then go on a website and trash said organization as being bush that about it?
I see you still attend score matches in the Northeast. Tell us what other organization holds matches in your region that offers more "serious shooting" ?
As far as integrity and sportsmanship, how would someone who continues to compete without abiding by the organizations rules recognize either one?

The Orginzation Does Not Abid By its Own Rules why should I. Especially when they ignore there own Safety rules. When they do that they put everyone in harms away.
I was at state match last year were a shooter shot 15 seconds after the cease fire. That person was not disqualified as the rules state. Even the official voice announcements of IBS say person doing that will be disqualified.
Oh yea they gave this person a award at the end of the match. IBS rules are meaningless if the organization and the clubs that run the matches don't follow them. At the individual level it does not matter.

Did you do anything about that other than come here and report? I'm really just asking because all members are responsible to challenge anything that doesn't meet the rules. Also, I wouldn't think you would need to be a member to report such as you mentioned. What I'm saying here is that you, and others, let that incident go! Further, instead of protesting, you came here and stated what happened! That's perfectly OK, but not the best thing you could do.

I'm not saying that it's OK but rather it will continue until the membership does something about it! Give that some thought. The IBS is not the only organization with such issues. In fact, I don't know of any organization that doesn't have similar issues. The general membership believes that, in most cases, it's somebody elses problem.

It's not ever someone elses's always your problem!
Nothing is wrong with Intergrity and sportsmanship

What's wrong with the "integrity and sportsmanship"?

There is nothing wrong with integrity and sportsmanship. I have the highest respect for integrity and sportsmanship shown by many of the competitors at IBS matches. But a organization that openly violates or allows violation of there own rules. Does not have integrity and is not showing good sportsmanship.
As I see it from my lofty perch, you are as guilty as the organization if you knowingly competed and accepted the points for your performance without making it known to those in charge that you are not a member. To come here now and air your dirty laundry is just as wrong as what the organization is doing.

I agree Francis. I know one person I will let know about this.
You do not need to be a member of IBS to shoot in IBS Matches. Just go to the match fill out the form. Do not check or check the box that your a IBS member....Go shoot have good time.

The Orginzation Does Not Abid By its Own Rules why should I. Especially when they ignore there own Safety rules. When they do that they put everyone in harms away.
... IBS rules are meaningless if the organization and the clubs that run the matches don't follow them. At the individual level it does not matter.

So, you're suggesting we go shoot at a place where we'll be "put [] in harms []way"? Thanks a lot.

BTW, what do you mean by the bolded part of your statement?

Also, I hope you'll let us know when and where you'll be shooting in the future -- I need to catch up on some stuff at home.
Safety Rules

So, you're suggesting we go shoot at a place where we'll be "put [] in harms []way"? Thanks a lot.

BTW, what do you mean by the bolded part of your statement?

Also, I hope you'll let us know when and where you'll be shooting in the future -- I need to catch up on some stuff at home.

An organization that knowingly over looks safety rules is putting anyone that shoots in the organizations matches at risk.
An organization that knowingly over looks safety rules is putting anyone that shoots in the organizations matches at risk.

This incident happened a year ago according to your post, yet you still continue to attend matches this year. As for a late shot, I don't see your safety rant as legit as the range is still live until all the following commands are given by the RM: "Cease fire.....remove your bolts.....remain your bolts......Target Crew! And it is extremely unlikely the offending late shot came after "Show your bolts".
Try Reading the Rules

This incident happened a year ago according to your post, yet you still continue to attend matches this year. As for a late shot, I don't see your safety rant as legit as the range is still live until all the following commands are given by the RM: "Cease fire.....remove your bolts.....remain your bolts......Target Crew! And it is extremely unlikely the offending late shot came after "Show your bolts".

IBS Rules
Page 16
IV. Safety
C) Firing

" No Shot shall be fired until "Commence Fire" has be given in its entirety or after "Cease Fire" has been initiated."
Did you do anything about that other than come here and report? I'm really just asking because all members are responsible to challenge anything that doesn't meet the rules. Also, I wouldn't think you would need to be a member to report such as you mentioned. What I'm saying here is that you, and others, let that incident go! Further, instead of protesting, you came here and stated what happened! That's perfectly OK, but not the best thing you could do.

It's not ever someone elses's always your problem!

Speaking of someone else's problem....CCBW...the last Super Shoot that was registered (NBRSA) there were over 400 shooters, 7 relays. Someone, name not to be mentioned here, appointed me Chairman Referee he called it (head ref). During a LV event same unmentioned, reminded me we needed to weigh rifles!! Ask Jim Kelbly, then Range Officer, what resulted!!

Speaking of someone else's problem....CCBW...the last Super Shoot that was registered (NBRSA) there were over 400 shooters, 7 relays. Someone, name not to be mentioned here, appointed me Chairman Referee he called it (head ref). During a LV event same unmentioned, reminded me we needed to weigh rifles!! Ask Jim Kelbly, then Range Officer, what resulted!!

Guilty as charged! There was rifle parts layin' all over the place. Folks were borrowing screwdrivers and wrenches everywhere you looked!
Daryl has spoken with a very prominent IBS person regarding all the things he has revealed here. Hopefully he will post here the what and whys of these things.
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